
Captive Portal and Mini-Browsers Security Analysis Tool

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Wi-Fi Chameleon

Captive Portal attack and Captive Portal Browser measurement tool suite.

For more details, please refer to our paper:

Ping-Lun Wang, Kai-Hsiang Chou, Shou-Ching Hsiao, Ann Tene Low, Tiffany Hyun-Jin Kim, and Hsu-Chun Hsiao "Capturing Antique Browsers in Modern Devices: A Security Analysis of Captive Portal Mini-Browsers." ACNS, 2023.


Python3 (version >=3.6) is required for this project.

Installation script:

mkvirtualenv wifi-chameleon
git clone https://git.nslab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/joeywang4/wifi-chameleon-tool
cd wifi-chameleon-tool
sudo pip install .

For development:

mkvirtualenv wifi-chameleon
git clone https://git.nslab.csie.ntu.edu.tw/joeywang4/wifi-chameleon-tool
cd wifi-chameleon-tool
sudo pip install -e .

If something went wrong, please check the configuration files located in conf directory is properly installed.

Test Portal

To create a test portal:

cd src
sudo python3 main.py http_portal

To cleanup this portal:

cd src
sudo python3 main.py cleanup

To set static portal files: Put the portal files to portals/<portal name> and use

sudo python3 src/main.py set_portal <portal name>

To set portal to a given URL

sudo python3 src/main.py set_portal <URL>


*Under development*

pytest is required for testing.

pip install pytest
# Under the root directory of this project