
Various Elixir microbenchmarks for my own edification

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Elixir Benchmarks

A collection of random benchmarks, for answering questions I have about which way to do a thing is faster.

Run $ mix bench [something]_bench.exs from the root directory

My results

Note that I've run all these tests using a version of Erlang/OTP with the JIT (v24+ on Intel, v25+ on ARM).

List comprehension

## ListComprehensionBench
benchmark name                                        iterations   average time 
Evens using `for` comprehension with inline test           10000   145.34 µs/op
Evens using `for` comprehension with named function        10000   174.75 µs/op
Evens using `Enum` with anonymous function                 10000   193.00 µs/op
Evens using `Enum` with named function                     10000   194.82 µs/op

Case-insensitive string comparison

String.downcase/1 wins.

## CaseInsensitiveStringCompareBench
benchmark name               iterations   average time 
Downcase (Small, Equal)            5000   3866.55 µs/op
Downcase (Small, Not equal)        5000   5083.07 µs/op
Regex (Small, Not matching)        5000   6068.93 µs/op
Regex (Small, Matching)            5000   7021.87 µs/op

Stream versus Enum

This one does a little more than filtering (on the assumption that this isn't the final step in your pipeline... if you're considering Stream, you probably still have to do something with it at the end).

## StreamBench
benchmark name               iterations   average time 
Filter a list using Enum         100000   151.99 µs/op
Filter a list using Stream       100000   179.55 µs/op
Filter a range using Enum        100000   103.00 µs/op
Filter a range using Stream      100000   179.51 µs/op

Logging with a generator function vs. iolist vs. binary

If your data is cheap to generate, it makes roughly no difference whether you use a generator versus an iolist. A binary may be a tiny, tiny bit slower, but the actual time to write the log massively dominates those differences.

## Loggerbench
benchmark name                                      iterations   average time 
Skipping logging using a straight iolist                 50000   59.60 µs/op
Skipping logging using an iolist message generator       50000   59.91 µs/op
Skipping logging using a binary                          50000   60.15 µs/op
Logging using an iolist message generator                   50   32229.96 µs/op
Logging using a straight iolist                             50   32782.38 µs/op
Logging using a binary                                     100   33229.38 µs/op

Geometry coordinate rounding

For large geometry collections, it looks like doing a Float.round/2 on each of the coordinates has a smaller impact on the serialization time than I expected. (JIT FTW!)

## GeometryCoordinateRoundingBench
benchmark name                        iterations   average time 
Serializing the geometry as-is                 1   1434005.00 µs/op
Rounding the coordinates to 6 digits           1   2914367.00 µs/op

Compact map (i.e., mapping over a collection, then removing nil values)

This algorithm comes from the Swift standard library.

Interestingly, the for comprehension is way faster here. I have no explanation for why :lists.filtermap/2 is so much slower without the function capture, but I've rewritten that benchmark a half dozen different ways and keep getting the same results.

## CompactMapBench
benchmark name                                                  iterations   average time 
For comprehension removing nil values without function capture      500000   137.33 µs/op
For comprehension removing nil values with function capture         500000   149.56 µs/op
:lists.filtermap with function capture                              200000   250.37 µs/op
Flat map + List.wrap                                                100000   342.46 µs/op
Map + reject                                                        100000   346.86 µs/op
:lists.filtermap without function capture                           100000   427.62 µs/op


A test of deduplicating a large-ish list of maps. The "many duplicates" cases are 20k elements, half of which are duplicates; "single duplicate" cases are 10,0001 elements, one of which is a duplicate.

## DeduplicationBench
benchmark name                          iterations   average time 
MapSet (single duplicate)                     1000   1295.47 µs/op
MapSet back to list (single duplicate)        1000   1551.90 µs/op
Enum.uniq/1 (single duplicate)                1000   2953.91 µs/op
MapSet (many duplicates)                       500   3327.55 µs/op
Enum.uniq/1 (many duplicates)                  500   3874.74 µs/op
MapSet back to list (many duplicates)          500   3908.37 µs/op

Here's the same test, but with a list of 200k elements (100k unique) in the "many duplicates" case and 100,001 for the single duplicate case.

## DeduplicationBench
benchmark name                          iterations   average time 
MapSet (single duplicate)                      100   16981.94 µs/op
MapSet back to list (single duplicate)         100   20836.07 µs/op
MapSet (many duplicates)                        50   46885.00 µs/op
Enum.uniq/1 (single duplicate)                  50   47161.16 µs/op
MapSet back to list (many duplicates)           50   53378.28 µs/op
Enum.uniq/1 (many duplicates)                   50   65725.54 µs/op

My takeaway: MapSet excels, by more than a factor of 2, when there are few duplicates. When there are many duplicates, or when you're going to need to convert the MapSet back to a list anyway (as you might need in an Ecto query), the gap shrinks or is eliminated.

"Prioritization" (partitioning a list, joining the results together)

This is a test of ordering an enum where the parts that match a given predicate all come before the parts that do not. This is similar to a C++ std::partition(), but without returning the partition point.

The split + join version is quite a bit faster.

## PrioritizeBench
benchmark name           iterations   average time 
Split + join (shuffled)       10000   286.33 µs/op
Split + join (ordered)        10000   286.71 µs/op
Sort (shuffled)                5000   683.37 µs/op
Sort (ordered)                 5000   685.87 µs/op