
It's like newrelic, but better

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT


With this gem you can track your user activity (devise feature only), slowest controllers, user browsers and platforms. It's like newrelic, but better.

How to install

  1. Add in Gemfile gem 'snapstats'
  2. In your routes.rb add mount Snapstats::Engine, :at => '/snap'
  3. Install and start your Redis server (http://redis.io/topics/quickstart)
  4. Create initializers/snapstats.rb and add params
  :devise_model     => { :model => :user, :login_fields => [:email, :username] }, 
  :redis        => { :host => 'localhost', :port => 6379 }, 
  :disable_logging  => false 

Visit http://localhost:3000:/snap to see result

This project rocks and uses MIT-LICENSE