
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

WARNING!!! Running this app may cause security issues . Please, read the documentation carefully before use.

Clone and build docker image


git clone https://github.com/s3kkt/tengri.git && cd tengri


docker build -t tengri:latest .

Environment variables

Variable name Required Annotation
NOMAD_ADDR True Nomad connection string, e.g.https://login:password@nomad.example.com
MODE True Run mode selector: local or exporter
VARIABLES_PREFIXES False Comma separated environment variables prefixes. Variables, statrs with that prefixes will be displayed as labels. Explicitly named credentials in connection strings like https://user:pass@service.example.com will be replaced with ***SECRET*** e.g. https://***SECRET***@service.example.com
RESTRICTED_VARIABLES False Comma separated keywords. Variables, contains those keywords will be excluded from labels. This option has priority overVARIABLES_PREFIXES
URL_SUFFIX False If your consul-template service generates dynamic server names, domain suffixes can be set to add url label, e.g.url="http://job-name.example.com"


Tengri has 2 launch options defined by environment variable MODE:

  • Tiny tool to convert your nomad job name into bash command to run image manually in command line. Useful for fasten debug process of faulty runs.
  • Service, which returns ENV objects for each nomad job as labels in prometheus metrics format.

Local mode


docker run -d -it --rm --name tengri -p 8080:8080 \
-e MODE='local' \
-e NOMAD_ADDR='https://login:password@nomad.example.com' \
tengri:latest /bin/bash

Warning!!! Don't run Tengri in local mode as public webservice. It will show all of environment variables from your Nomad job, set as plain text, including secrets, tokens, e.t.c.


  • / - hello message for local mode
  • /version - current version of Tengri app
  • /<job-name> - replace <job-name> with desired nomad job and get command to run this job manually in command line

Output example:

$ docker run -it --rm -e var1=... -e var2=... -e varN=... image_name

Exporter mode

docker run -it --rm --name tengri -p 8080:8080 \
-e MODE='exporter' \
-e NOMAD_ADDR='https://login:password@nomad.example.com' \
-e URL_SUFFIX='example.com' \
tengri:latest /bin/bash

Warning!!! Set VARIABLES_PREFIXES and RESTRICTED_VARIABLES is strongly recommended. If not, all of environment variables from your Nomad jobs will be added to labels.


  • / - hello message for exporter mode
  • /version - current version of Tengri app
  • /metrics - metrics path to collect them with Prometheus