
Contract-First CXF SOAP over JMS & HTTP Web Service

Primary LanguageJava


Contract-First CXF SOAP over JMS & HTTP Web Service

helloSoa-jaxws is a sample JavaEE project built with Maven for demonstrating how to build and run a Contract-First SOAP Web Service implementation through both JMS and HTTP endpoints. Whereas the SOAP/HTTP endpoint can be consumed directly, the SOAP/JMS needs a MQ Broker for publishing the queue.


  • Apache CXF
  • Maven
  • Contract-First SOAP Web Service
  • SOAP/JMS and SOAP/HTTP endpoints
  • SOAP/JMS endpoint uses Apache MQ


The WSDL address is located at: http://:/HelloSoa-jaxws/

SOAP/JMS usage

Before consuming the SOAP/JMS service, the queue should be running. An Apache MQ local test environment can be used for this purpose executing the following Maven command: mvn org.apache.activemq.tooling:activemq-maven-plugin:5.8.0:run