- 2
Video and image is not downloading instead viewing
#158 opened by softpottk - 1
Embedding in other programs
#157 opened by Chaoses-Ib - 1
how to use env file?
#155 opened by gugelshit9 - 4
Rustus at high loads sometimes does not send a post-create hook to queue or web api
#120 opened by CiceronRiman - 2
ability to customize url ?
#140 opened by happysalada - 6
error with https tls using hybrid-s3 storage
#146 opened by Tigranchick - 2
server responsed with empty location
#141 opened by happysalada - 6
Application examples?
#139 opened by leplatrem - 8
Implement S3 data storage.
#7 opened by s3rius - 1
Add sentry integration.
#113 opened by s3rius - 3
- 5
Read secrets from paths
#132 opened by happysalada - 3
add env var for url restriction
#133 opened by happysalada - 0
Add NATS integration
#115 opened by s3rius - 1
We need to replace structopt with vanilla Clap
#112 opened by s3rius - 8
Webhook Documentation Suggestions
#90 opened by Kaelten - 2
- 2
Switch testing macro to assay
#50 opened by s3rius - 2
Fix memory leaks in debian images
#78 opened by s3rius - 5
Healthcheck URL 404s
#94 opened by Kaelten - 3
Post-finish webhook fails to fire with a single-chunk upload and `creation-with-upload` enabled.
#92 opened by Kaelten - 0
Make state cloneable.
#55 opened by s3rius - 2
Add pre-terminate hook
#77 opened by s3rius - 5
Unexpected hook behaviors.
#89 opened by Kaelten - 4
Concatenation extension regression in 0.5.3
#87 opened by Kaelten - 2
Extra path separator when using `RUSTUS_URL=/`
#85 opened by Kaelten - 27
CORS Support
#81 opened by Kaelten - 1
- 1
Add ServiceMonitor in helm chart.
#75 opened by s3rius - 5
Documentation issues
#9 opened by s3rius - 1
Implement celery format for hooks
#71 opened by s3rius - 0
Add rootless images
#66 opened by s3rius - 2
Add prometheus metrics
#39 opened by s3rius - 0
Kafka hooks
#68 opened by s3rius - 1
Helm publishing
#64 opened by s3rius - 1
Pre-allocate files
#23 opened by s3rius - 1
Create helm chart for rustus.
#8 opened by s3rius - 3
Architecture improvements
#17 opened by s3rius - 2
LRU cache for files
#38 opened by Kolaer - 1
Add healthchecks
#61 opened by s3rius - 1
Implement checksum extension
#12 opened by s3rius - 2
- 1
Concatenation extension
#14 opened by s3rius - 1
Update ENV names.
#24 opened by s3rius - 0
Implement expiration extension
#13 opened by s3rius - 2
Sync files after write.
#10 opened by s3rius