The Coding Boot Camp at UT Austin

January 2018 Cohort

Minimum Requirements


You must complete 90% of the homework assignments. (You can miss no more than 2 assignments.)

Homework submissions must be on time AS IS. Late submissions will not be counted.


Attendance must be maintained at a 95% rate. (You can miss no more than a total of 4 classes.)

Written permission must be obtained to miss class or it's considered one of your 4 absences.


You must give a full effort on every group and individual project.

Class Videos

All videos can be found using this [insert link here]

Important Links And Notes

[Slack Room insert link here]

Homework Submission

Live Office Hours: 45 minutes before class and 30 minutes after class

Technical Curriculum by Week

Please see

The material covered in this syllabus is subject to change. Our academic team adjusts to the market rapidly.

Career Curriculum By Week

Week Career Content Career Lesson Delivery Method Homework
1 Setting Expectations for Career Services 1 In class Sign the Student Expectations Document via DocuSign
3 Getting Started with Your Job Search 2 Video Research job opportunities
4 Building Your Bio & Perfecting Your Pitch 3 Video Write a Bio
7 Redacting Your Resume 4 Video Create a Technical Resume
7 Career Coaching Lesson 1 Google Hangout
8 Behavioral Interviewing 5 Video & Zoom Session to Practice
9 Creating & Editing Your Online Presence 6 Video Create a Technical LinkedIn profile, Clean GitHub account, and Personal Portfolio
10 Career Coaching Lesson 2 Phone Call / Google Hangout
12 Targeting the Job You Want 7 Video Update all homework assignments with feedback and suggestions and submit final Bio, Resume, LinkedIn, GitHub and Portfolio
Final Project Presentation Day/Graduation Event 8 In class, final day of the program