
Primary LanguageC++

DeepType: Refining Indirect Call Targets with Strong Multi-layer Type Analysis

Considering the high false positive rate of traditional type-based analysis, we use multi-layer type to describe the type of a function pointer, which consists of function signature along with the composite types holding it. However, multi-layer type introduces challenges in type matching because address-taken functions may be propagated between multi-layer types through information flow, making it hard to collect all potential targets. The original paper of Multi-Layer Type Analysis (MLTA) bypasses the challenges by splitting multi-layer types, which weakens the restrictions provided by multi-layer types, thereby negatively affecting accuracy.

We proposed an advanced approach, Strong Multi-Layer Type Analysis (SMLTA), to mitigate the false positive targets produced by MLTA. SMLTA adheres to the strong restriction that identifies only those functions as targets whose entire multi-layer types match with the indirect calls. SMLTA addresses the challenges in multi-layer type matching by resolving the relationships between multi-layer types based on the directions of information flow, and utilizes an adapted breadth- first search (BFS) algorithm to discover all multi-layer types engaged in the propagation of target functions. It also employs a conservative strategy to deal with ambiguous type information due to information flow.

DEEPTYPE is a prototype implementation of SMLTA, which overcomes challenges in multi-layer type matching and utilizes SMLTA to precisely and efficiently identify indirect call targets. It is built on LLVM 15.0 and is tested on Ubuntu 20.04.

Setup Guide

Build LLVM

$ git clone -b release/15.x https://github.com/llvm/llvm-project.git
$ cd /root/of/llvm/project
$ mkdir build
$ cd build
$ cmake -DLLVM_TARGET_ARCH="X86" -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release -DLLVM_ENABLE_PROJECTS="clang;lldb;lld" -DLLVM_TARGETS_TO_BUILD="ARM;X86;AArch64" -G "Unix Makefiles" ../llvm
$ cmake --build .

Build DeepType

  1. Set the path of LLVM_BUILD in Makefile at line 2
  2. Compile DeepType
$ cd /root/of/DeepType
$ make

How to Use

The executable file takes bitcode(s) as argument(s).

$ cd root/of/DeepType/build/lib
$ ./kanalyzer filename.bc

Although DeepType supports all optimization levels, it has the best precision at O0 optimization level. When compiling the target program into bitcode, use flags -g -Xclang -no-opaque-pointers to include debugging information and disable opaque pointer mode.

Analysis Results

DeepType outputs the following information of the analyzed program:

  1. A list of indirect calls along with their respective targets.
  2. Total number of indirect calls and indirect call targets.
  3. Average number of indirect call targets (ANT).
  4. Execution time.


To evaluate DeepType comprehensively, we developed 3 variants of DeepType: DT-weak, DT-noSH, DT-nocache.

DT-weak stores splitted multi-layer types to help examine the impact of recording entire multi-layer types. To reproduce the experiments, uncomment #define DTweak in /DeepType/src/lib/CallGraph.cc and recompile DeepType.

#define DTweak
//#define DTnoSH
//#define DTnocache

DT-noSH disables the special handlings in DeepType to reveal the contribution of SMLTA. To reproduce the experiments, uncomment #define DTnoSH in /DeepType/src/lib/CallGraph.cc and recompile DeepType.

//#define DTweak
#define DTnoSH
//#define DTnocache

DT-nocache disables the cache used in DeepType to measure the runtime overhead of DeepType without cache. To reproduce the experiments, uncomment #define DTnocache in /DeepType/src/lib/CallGraph.cc and recompile DeepType.

//#define DTweak
//#define DTnoSH
#define DTnocache


The bitcode of the benchmarks in our paper is available at: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1U9rMr4UC0uxVhAH7p0R3127lJpaaQMuj/view?usp=sharing.


This project is the artifact of the paper DEEPTYPE: Refining Indirect Call Targets with Strong Multi-layer Type Analysis, which is accepted at the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX 2024).

  title        = {{DEEPTYPE: Refining Indirect Call Targets with Strong Multi-layer Type Analysis}},
  author       = {Tianrou Xia and Hong Hu and Dinghao Wu},
  booktitle    = {Proceedings of the 33rd USENIX Security Symposium (USENIX 2024)},
  month        = {aug},
  year         = {2024},
  address      = {Philadelphia, PA},