
Lambda functions over S3 objects with concurrency control (forEach, map, reduce, filter)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


s3-lambda enables you to run lambda functions over a context of S3 objects. It has a stateless architecture with concurrency control, allowing you to process a large number of files very quickly. This is useful for quickly prototyping complex data jobs without an infrastructure like Hadoop or Spark.

At Littlstar, we use s3-lambda for all sorts of data pipelining and analytics.


npm install s3-lambda --save

Quick Example

const S3Lambda = require('s3-lambda');

// example options
const lambda = new S3Lambda({
  accessKeyId: 'aws-access-key',       // Optional. (falls back on local AWS credentials)
  secretAccessKey: 'aws-secret-key',   // Optional. (falls back on local AWS credentials) 
  showProgress: true,                  // Optional. Show progress bar in stdout
  verbose: true,                       // Optional. Show all S3 operations in stdout (GET, PUT, DELETE)
  max_retries: 10,                     // Optional. Maximum request retries on an S3 object. Defaults to 10.
  timeout: 5000                        // Optional. Amount of time for request to timeout. Defaults to 1000 (5s)

const context = {
  bucket: 'my-bucket',
  prefix: 'path/to/files/'

  .forEach(object => {
    // do something with object
  .then(_ => console.log('done!'))

Setting Context

Before initiating a lambda expression, you must tell s3-lambda what files to operate over by calling context. A context is defined with an options object with the following properties: bucket, prefix, marker, limit, and reverse.

  bucket: 'my-bucket',       // The S3 bucket to use
  prefix: 'prefix/',         // The prefix of the files to use - s3-lambda will operate over every file with this prefix.
  endPrefix: 'prefix/file3', // Optional. End at this prefix. Defaults to null
  marker: 'prefix/file1',    // Optional. Start at this prefix. Defaults to null.
  limit: 1000,               // Optional. Limit the # of files operated over. Default is Infinity.
  reverse: false             // Optional. If true, operate over all files in reverse. Defaults to false.

You can also provide an array of context options, which will tell ls-lambda to operate over all the files in each.

const ctx1 = {
  bucket: 'my-bucket',
  prefix: 'path/to/files/',
  marker: 'path/to/logs/2017'
const ctx2 = {
  bucket: 'my-other-bucket',
  prefix: 'path/to/other/logs/',
  limit: 100

lambda.context([ctx1, ctx2])


After setting context, you can chain several other functions that modify the operation. Each returns a Request object, so they can be chained. All of these are optional.


{Number} Set the request concurrency level (default is Infinity).


{Function} Sets the transformation function to use when getting objects. The function takes the object as an argument, and should return the transformed object.
Example: unzipping compressed S3 files before each operation

const zlib = require('zlib')

  .transform((object) => {
    return zlib.gunzipSync(object).toString()


{String} Sets the encoding to use when getting objects.


{Number} Limit the number of files operated over.


{Boolean} Reverse the order of files operated over.


Lets the resolver know that your function is async (returns a Promise).

Lambda Functions

Perform synchronous or asynchronous functions over each file in the set context.

  • each
  • forEach
  • map
  • reduce
  • filter


each(fn[, isasync])

Performs fn on each S3 object in parallel. You can set the concurrency level (defaults to Infinity). If isasync is true, fn should return a Promise;

  .context(bucket, prefix)
  .concurrency(5) // operates on 5 objects at a time
  .each(object => console.log(object))
  .then(_ => console.log('done!')


forEach(fn[, isasync])

Iterates over each file in a S3 directory and performs func. If isasync is true, func should return a Promise.

  .context(bucket, prefix)
  .forEach(object => { /* do something with object */ })
  .then(_ => console.log('done!')


map(fn[, isasync])

Destructive. Maps fn over each file in an S3 directory, replacing each file with what is returned from the mapper function. If isasync is true, fn should return a Promise.

const addSmiley = object => object + ':)';

  .context(bucket, prefix)

You can make this non-destructive by specifying an output directory.

const outputBucket = 'my-bucket';
const outputPrefix = 'path/to/output/';

  .context(bucket, prefix)
  .output(outputBucket, outputPrefix)


reduce(func[, isasync])

Reduces the objects in the working context to a single value.

// concatonates all the files
const reducer = (previousValue, currentValue, key) => {
  return previousValue + currentValue

  .context(bucket, prefix)
  .then(result => { /* do something with result */ })


filter(func[, isasync])

Destructive. Filters (deletes) files in S3. func should return true to keep the object, and false to delete it. If isasync is true, func returns a Promise.

// filters empty files
const fn = object => object.length > 0;

  .context(bucket, prefix)
  .then(_ => console.log('done!')

Just like in map, you can make this non-destructive by specifying an output directory.

  .context(bucket, prefix)
  .output(outputBucket, outputPrefix)

S3 Functions

Promise-based wrapper around common S3 methods.

  • list
  • keys
  • get
  • put
  • copy
  • delete


list(bucket, prefix[, marker])

List all keys in s3://bucket/prefix. If you use a marker, s3-lambda will start listing alphabetically from there.

  .list(bucket, prefix)
  .then(list => console.log(list))


keys(bucket, prefix[, marker])

Returns an array of keys for the given bucket and prefix.

  .keys(bucket, prefix)
  .then(keys => console.log(keys))


get(bucket, key[, encoding[, transformer]])

Gets an object in S3, calling toString(encoding on objects.

  .get(bucket, key)
  .then(object => { /* do something with object */ }

Optionally you can supply your own transformer function to use when retrieving objects.

const zlib = require('zlib');

const transformer = object => {
  return zlib.gunzipSync(object).toString('utf8');

  .get(bucket, key, null, transformer)
  .then(object => { /* do something with object */ }


put(bucket, key, object[, encoding])

Puts an object in S3. Default encoding is utf8.

  .put(bucket, key, 'hello world!')


copy(bucket, key, targetBucket, targetKey)

Copies an object in S3 from s3://sourceBucket/sourceKey to s3://targetBucket/targetKey.

  .copy(sourceBucket, sourceKey, targetBucket, targetKey)


delete(bucket, key)

Deletes an object in S3 (s3://bucket/key).

  .delete(bucket, key)