
Itoyori Benchmark Suite (old version)

This repository contains benchmarks with the nested fork-join model and convenient C++ wrapper classes.

A newer version of Itoyori will be available here:

A newer version of Itoyori benchmarks will be available here:

This repository is only for the reproducibility of experimental results. If you want to run Itoyori, please use the newer version of Itoyori.

About Itoyori Runtime System

The old version of Itoyori consists of two components:

These two projects are separately managed, and the C++ header library in this repository (ityr/ dir) integrates these two.

The newer version of Itoyori ( packs them into a single monolithic repository to facilitate code reuse among them.

Notices on Performance Reproducibility

Itoyori is build on top of MPI-3 RMA, which is expected to be a portable implementation. However, the performance might not be portable, because of the implementation quality of MPI-3 RMA operations in each MPI implementation.

What is important for Itoyori's performance is that the MPI RMA operations are truly one-sided, which means that one-sided operations do not rely on the progress on the target processes. This can be achieved by offloading one-sided operations to RDMA, but unfortunately many MPI implementations do not provide truly one-sided RMA operations. This property is quite important for Itoyori because it offers a highly asynchronous execution model.

From our experiences, the following MPI implementations do not rely on the remote progress for RMA operations:

  • Fujitsu MPI for A64FX-based systems (over the Tofu-D Interconnect)
  • Open MPI v5.0.x with the UCX osc layer (with the --mca osc_ucx_acc_single_intrinsic true option)
    • As it is not a stable release, you may encounter some errors or unstable performance

Please be aware that other MPI implementations can cause a significant performance degradation or even a deadlock.


  • cilksort
    • Recursively parallel merge sort algorithm
    • Originally included in the Cilk project
  • uts
    • Unbalanced Tree Search (UTS) benchmark:
    • Count the total number of tree nodes by traversing an unbalanced tree
    • The tree structure is dynamically unfolded (using hash) and not allocated in the heap memory
  • uts++
    • Extended version of the UTS benchmark
    • The tree is managed as a in-memory tree data structure (using global pointers)
    • A similar benchmark is used in Grappa (named UTS-Mem)
  • exafmm
    • A library for Fast Multipole Method (FMM)
    • Parallelized by nested fork-join constructs (originally shared-memory only)
    • Original repository is named exafmm-beta:

How to Run

This benchmark suite uses the Kochi workflow management tool for running experiments on computing clusters.

Kochi v0.0.1:


Install Kochi v0.0.1 on your machine:

pip3 install git+

In the following, we assume that the same computer (or a login and compute nodes sharing the same file system) is used for job submission and job execution (local machine in Kochi). If you want to run benchmarks on multiple types of machines from the local computer, please see the Kochi tutorial to setup the machine configuration.

Kochi tutorial:

If you installed Kochi directly to the compute nodes, please set:


By default, Kochi manages its workspace at ~/.kochi. If the home directory is not accessible or you do not want to mess up the home directory, you can set a different location for the Kochi workspace.

For example, if you want to manage the artifacts in the playground directory, you can run:

mkdir playground
cd playground/
export KOCHI_ROOT=$PWD/.kochi

to set playground/.kochi as the Kochi workspace.

If you explicitly specify KOCHI_ROOT, please remember to set the KOCHI_ROOT env val when running Kochi commands later.

Then, please clone this repository:

git clone
cd ityrbench/

Build Dependencies

To build dependencies of the ityrbench, execute:

kochi install \
  -d massivethreads:release \
  -d massivethreads-dm:release \
  -d pcas:release \
  -d massivelogger:release \
  -d libunwind:v1.6.2 \
  -d backward-cpp:v1.6 \
  -d jemalloc:v5.3.0 \
  -d boost:v1.80.0 \
  -d pcg:master

If you encounter an error, please make sure that the dependency build scripts in kochi.yaml are vaild and match your system's configuration. Please modify the build scripts in kochi.yaml as needed and retry the build.

Run Benchmarks Individually

First, you need to submit Kochi jobs to execute the benchmark programs.

To execute the Cilksort benchmark, run:

kochi enqueue -q test cilksort.yaml

This will enqueue the job to the job queue named test.

Then, launch a Kochi worker on a compute node:

kochi work -q test

This command will repeatedly pop jobs from the job queue test and execute them one by one. When the job queue becomes empty, the worker will exit immediately (unless the -b option is passed).

Each job will build the benchmark program by using the project dependencies and then run the benchmark executable. cilksort.yaml contains how to build and run the benchmark. The default_params field in cilksort.yaml lists all parameters and their default values, which can be overwritten by passing commandline options when enqueuing jobs.

To run Cilksort with 1G elements on 2 nodes and 48 cores/node:

kochi enqueue -q test cilksort.yaml n_input=1000000000 nodes=2 cores=48

Similarly, you can run uts++.yaml and exafmm.yaml.

If you encounter an error with mpirun, modify the mpirun options in run_common.bash accordingly.

Run a Set of Benchmarks


The batches field in the job config files (e.g., cilksort.yaml) contains a set of benchmarking configurations. Before explaining how to submit these batch jobs, you need to change some parameters in the job config files.

In the following, we use cilksort.yaml as an example config file. First, depending on how many cores and nodes are available on your system, you need to change the parameter cores and nodes.

cores in the default_params field is set as follows (by default, 6 cores/node for the local machine):

  - value: 6
    machines: [local]

You can change this value to the number of cores/node in your system.

The default nodes value is 1, but you need to change it for batch jobs. For example, for the scale1G batch job, you can set:

      - value: [1, 2, 4]
        machines: [local]

if you want to run the jobs on 1, 2, and 4 nodes.

To reduce the execution time:

  • Set default_duplicates to 1.
  • Set repeats for each batch job to a smaller number (e.g., 3)

Submit and Run

Before submitting your first batch job, you need to initialize the git branch for managing the experimental results by running:

kochi artifact init ../ityrbench_artifacts

This will create a git worktree (ityrbench_artifacts) at the parent directory and an orphan branch named kochi_artifacts.

Then, you can submit a batch job.

If you want to execute the scale1G batch job in cilksort.yaml, run:

kochi batch cilksort.yaml scale1G

Then, multiple jobs are enqueued to job queues for each node count (node_<nodes>).

To launch a worker for the job queue node_1, run the following command on a compute node:

kochi work -q node_1

Similarly, workers for node_2, node_4, ... should be launched by allocating 2, 4, ... nodes from the system's job manager.

Gather Experimental Results and Generate Plots

After the experiments are completed, we gather the experimental results.

To pull the results, you need to move to the artifacts worktree dir and run:

cd ../ityrbench_artifacts/
kochi artifact sync

This will pull the commits including experimental results and merge them into the kochi_artifacts branch.

To plot these results, let's merge another branch kochi_artifacts_base, which includes plotting scripts, to the current kochi_artifacts branch:

git merge origin/kochi_artifacts_base --allow-unrelated-histories

Some Python packages are needed to generate plots:

pip3 install numpy scipy pandas plotly

Let's take a look at the plot/cilksort/ script.

First, you need to make sure that the machine variable is correctly set. If the machine name is local, you need to set:

machine = "local"

Depending on the batch job configuration, you need to change some variables in the get_parallel_result_1G() function:

nodes = [1, 2, 4]      # if `nodes` is set to [1, 2, 4]
duplicates = [0, 1, 2] # if `default_duplicates` is set to 3

If you do not execute the serial or scale10G batch jobs, set False to the following variables:

plot_serial = True
plot_10G = True

Then, you can get the plot by running:

python3 plot/cilksort/

The output plot file will be located at figs/cilksort/scaling_exectime_local.html, which can be opened by the web browser.