
No. of distinct Longest Common Subsequence of given string (Dynamic Programming)

Primary LanguageC++


Distinct Longest Common Subsequence of given string

Build Instructions

  • Compile the program on Linux using the command:

    `g++ Main.cc -o MAIN`
  • Run using:

    `./MAIN `


  • Given an integer input n in the range [3:20], the program accepts integer input x and y in the range [0:2^n - 1]

  • Binstring converts the decimal integers x and y to binary strings of length n each.

  • CountLCS finds the length of the Longest Common Subsequence

  • GetLCS prints all the LCS's found

Sample Input and Output

Enter the value of n in range [3:20] 8
Enter value of x in range [0:255]: 235
Enter value of y in range [0:255]: 217
X (235) = 11101011
Y (217) = 11011001
Length of LCS: 6
No. of LCS: 4
LCS 1: 110101
LCS 2: 110111
LCS 3: 111001
LCS 4: 111101


  • We first use Bottom-up dynamic programming to find the length of the Longest Common Substring. Let’s say we have two strings, of length m and n, then, we memoize the results of the subproblems of the recursive solution.

  • The value memo[m][n] contains length of LCS.

  • We then traceback the memoized array to reconstruct the Longest Common Subsequences.

  • While backtracking, we build a bc[m][n] 2D array of objects of the Backtrack class type to cache/memoize the LCS of suffixes of the two strings stored as a set of strings to avoid duplicates in each bc[i][j] value computed. If for each call of GetLCS(i,j,x,y), if it has not been previously computed, then compute the value and store it in bc[i][j] for future use, otherwise get the value from bc[i][j]


  • The worst case time complexity of Binstring is O(n)
  • The worst case time complexity of CountLCS is O(n*n)
  • The worst case time complexity of the traceback function GetLCS is O(p*(n+n)) where p is the number of LCS's found
  • Therefore, the total worst case asymptotic time complexity of the algorithm is O(n^2 + 2np + n)