
Terraform Repository that shows how traffic segmentation can be achieved in a Hub and Spoke architecture with AWS Transit Gateway Route Tables.

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AWS Hub and Spoke Architecture with Traffic Segmentation - Terraform

This repository contains terraform code to deploy a sample AWS Hub and Spoke architecture with production and non-production VPCs. In addition, VPC endpoints (SSM and S3) are centralized in a Shared Services VPC, and you can add traffic inspection (in each routing domain, or between routing domains). The following resources are created by default:

  • 4 VPCs: 1 Production, 1 Non-Production, 1 Shared Services VPC, and 1 Inspection VPC (two inspect the traffic between routing domains). Following AWS best pratices, VPC flow logs are activated (by default sent to CloudWatch logs). The logs are encrypted at rest with KMS (keys created in the iam_kms module).
    • In the locals.tf file you can find the definition of 2 more Spoke VPCs (1 prod and 1 non-prod). If you want to create them, you need to change the create variable inside each VPC configuration to true.
    • In addition, you can add inspection in each routing domain (prod and non-prod) by setting the prod and non-prod sub-variables inside the traffic_inspection variable. In the diagram schema below you can see the architecture with all the central VPCs created. The prod and non-prod Inspection VPCs have access to the Internet.
    • VPC Endpoints (ssm, ssmmessages, ec2messages and s3) are deployed in the central Shared Services VPC.
  • AWS Transit Gateway, and 4 Transit Gateway Route Tables (prod, non_prod, shared, and inspection).
    • VPC attachments are associated and propagated to the corresponding TGW Route Table depending the "type" of VPC indicated in the locals.tf file.
    • The inspection_prod and inspection_non_prod Transit Gateway Route Tables are created only if intra-routing domain inspection is created.
    • Propagations and static routes are created accordingly depending the Inspection added in each routing domain.
  • EC2 instances in each spoke VPC. To follow best practices, these instances are accessed using AWS Systems Manager - via the VPC endpoints.
  • Security Groups for the EC2 instances and VPC endpoints. The configuration can be found in the locals.tf file.
  • AWS Network Firewall - one per Inspection VPC created (only 1 by default). In the firewall_policy.tf file you can check the different rules configuration per each firewall.
  • IAM Roles for CloudWatch access (VPC flow logs) and the SSM/S3 access by the EC2 instances.

The resources deployed and the architectural pattern they follow is purely for demonstration/testing purposes. Take into account that 4 VPCs are created by default trying to not reach the default quota of 5 VPCs per AWS Region. If you have increased your quota and want to add more Spoke or Inspection VPCs in the example, do it in the locals.tf file.


  • An AWS account with an IAM user with the appropriate permissions
  • Terraform installed

Code Principles:

  • Writing DRY (Do No Repeat Yourself) code using a modular design pattern


Architecture diagram


  • Clone the repository
  • Edit the variables.tf file (in the root directory) to configure the AWS Region to use, the project identifier, and the number of Availability Zones to use. Edit the locals.tf (in the root directory) to configure the VPCs to create.
  • To change the configuration about the Security Groups and VPC endpoints to create, edit the locals.tf file in the project root directory.
  • Initialize Terraform using terraform init.
  • Now you can deploy the rest of the infrastructure using terraform apply.
  • To delete everything, use terraform destroy.

Note The default number of Availability Zones to use in the VPCs is 1. To follow best practices, each resource - EC2 instance, and VPC endpoints - will be created in each Availability Zone. Keep this in mind to avoid extra costs unless you are happy to deploy more resources and accept additional costs.


Name Version
terraform ~> 1.1.2
aws >= 3.73.0
awscc >= 0.15.0


Name Version
aws 4.16.0


Name Source Version
anfw ./modules/network_firewall n/a
compute ./modules/compute n/a
iam_kms ./modules/iam_kms n/a
phz ./modules/phz n/a
tgw_route_tables ./modules/tgw_route_tables n/a
vpc_endpoints ./modules/vpc_endpoints n/a
vpcs aws-ia/vpc/aws >= 1.0.0


Name Type
aws_ec2_transit_gateway.tgw resource
aws_networkfirewall_firewall_policy.anfw_policy resource
aws_networkfirewall_firewall_policy.anfw_policy_non_prod resource
aws_networkfirewall_firewall_policy.anfw_policy_prod resource
aws_networkfirewall_rule_group.allow_domains resource
aws_networkfirewall_rule_group.allow_icmp resource
aws_networkfirewall_rule_group.drop_domains resource
aws_networkfirewall_rule_group.drop_icmp_local resource
aws_networkfirewall_rule_group.drop_remote resource


Name Description Type Default Required
aws_region AWS Region to create the environment. string "us-west-2" no
logging_destination Logging destination for VPC Flow Logs and AWS Network Firewall (CloudWatch Logs by default).
vpc_flow_logs = optional(string) # Options: "cloud-watch-logs", "s3", "none"
network_firewall = optional(string) # Options: "cloud-watch-logs", "s3", "kinesis-firehose", "none"
"network_firewall": "cloud-watch-logs",
"vpc_flow_logs": "cloud-watch-logs"
number_azs Number of Availability Zones to use. number 2 no
project_identifier Project Name, used as identifer when creating resources. string "traffic-segmentation-with-inspection" no
traffic_inspection Enabling traffic inspection (enabled between routing domains by default).
prod = optional(bool)
non-prod = optional(bool)
cross-domains = optional(bool)
"cross-domains": true,
"non-prod": false,
"prod": false


Name Description
ec2_instances ID of the EC2 instances created.
network_firewall ARN of the Network Firewall resources created.
transit_gateway_id Transit Gateway ID.
transit_gateway_route_tables TGW Route Tables ID created.
vpc_endpoints ID of the VPC endpoints created.
vpcs_id VPCs created.