
Lora board with Arduino nano compatibile pinout and simple battery management

Primary LanguageC


Lora board with Arduino nano compatibile pinout and simple battery management

Small board with arduino nano compatibile pinout with power management and Murata ABZ LoRa module with STM32L0 microcontroller


  • LoRa module: Murata ABZ
  • Single cell LiPo cell charger on-board with charging signal internally connected to PA11 (via jumper)
  • Buck/Boost switching power supply for delivering stable 3,3V regardless of the battery voltage
  • Battery fuel gauge on-board to control the real status of the battery

Schematic diagram: loradunchy_schematic_diagram

Board view: loradunchy_board

Bottom view (silk screen) loradunchy_bot?view

Connector pinout


  • 1 - PA9 USART1_TX, 2C1_SCL MCO
  • 2 - PA10 USART1_RX, I2C1_SDA
  • 3 - nRST
  • 4 - GND
  • 5 - NC
  • 6 - PB5 SPI1_MOSI, LPTIM1_IN1, TIM3_CH2, TIM22_CH2
  • 7 - PB6 USART1_TX, I2C1_SCL
  • 8 - PB2 LPTIM1_OUT
  • 9 - PB7 USART1_RX, I2C1_SDA, LPTIM1_IN2
  • 11 - PH1
  • 12 - PA12
  • 13 - PB12 SPI2_NSS, EVENTOUT
  • 14 - PB15 SPI2_MOSI
  • 15 - PB14 SPI2_MISO, I2C2_SDA, TIM21_CH2


  • 1 - V+
  • 2 - GND
  • 3 - nRST
  • 4 - 5V
  • 5 - PA8 I2C3_SCL, EVENTOUT
  • 6 - PA5 SPI1_SCK, TIM2_CH1
  • 7 - PB8 I2C1_SCL
  • 8 - PB9 I2C1_SDA
  • 9 - PA4
  • 10 - PA3 TIM21_CH2, TIM2_CH4, USART2_RX, LPUART1_RX
  • 11 - PA2 TIM21_CH1, TIM2_CH3, USART2_TX, LPUART1_TX
  • 12 - PA0 TIM2_CH1
  • 13 - PH0
  • 14 - 3V3
  • 15 - PB13 SPI2_SCK, I2C2_SCL, TIM21_CH1

How to use with Keil uVision (free for STM32 F0/L0)


  • Download Keil MDK-ARM v5 from https://www.keil.com/demo/eval/arm.htm
  • Run the downloaded MDK5xx.exe installer
  • Install to any path you like. If you have existing MDK-ARM installations that you want to keep, select a new folder for MDK v5.
  • Click Install to download and install the STM32F0 and STM32L0 Device Family Packs supplied by Keil: loradunchy_packinstaller


  • Login with an account that has administration rights
  • Right-click the µVision icon and select Run as Administrator... from the context menu.
  • Open the dialog File — License Management... and select the Single-User License tab.
  • Click the button Get LIC via Internet..., then click the button OK to register the product. This action opens the License Management page on the Keil web site.
  • Enter the Product Serial Number 4PPFW-QBEHZ-M0D5M along with your contact information and click the button Submit. An e-mail is sent back with the License ID Code (LIC) within a few minutes.
  • To activate the Software Product, enter the LIC in the field New License ID Code (LIC) of the dialog License Management... and click Add LIC.

Project setup and configuration is available in the SW folder


GNU General Public License