
Automated bench-marker and stress-tester. Created in quarantine.

Primary LanguageC++GNU General Public License v2.0GPL-2.0


An automated suite for determining stability and performance of a PC under load. This software is focused on stress testing the major heat-generating and power-consuming components (CPU, GPU, and potentially HDD).

Created in quarantine, during the 2020 Coronavirus pandemic.


QAST-Bench is released under license GPL version 2. QAST Bench is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

QAST Bench is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with QAST Bench. If not, see https://www.gnu.org/licenses/.


to eliminate uncertianty in a computer's performance and stability. Largely concerned with power and temperature of a computer:

The score it returns is more representive of the practical performace of the hardware, rather than the max potential of the hardware. This entails putting the hardware in less-than ideal circumstances, such as multiple simultaneous tests or not giving hardware time to cool down


a pattern of benchmarking and stressing 0) on first launch, confirm with user the dangers of stresstesting hardware and perform first-run initalization[1]

  1. start logging temperatures
  2. start by benchmarking each component
  3. stresstest the following, with another benchmark done after each module:
a) CPU; prime95, max heat

b) GPU; furmark, <res TBD> @ max settings

c) CPU and GPU: simultaneous
  1. benchmarks during stress tests- the exact scope has not been decided, but so far I want to do the following:
a) CPU benchmark during GPU Stress

  i) simulates GPU bottleneck

b) GPU benchmark during CPU Stress

  i) simulates CPU bottleneck

  ii) note: score will absolutely be lower because of limited CPU time for the GPU benchmark
  1. generate some sort of log[2] with a score[3]

Benchmarking tests are the biggest contributers to a score

Stresstests are meant to put the computer in difficult situations to confirm stability under pressure

I also want to include temperatures in the score, but I haven't figured out exactly how I will yet.[3]

technically speaking you could probably do everything this program does yourself just by running things with the same commands that I do and then doing the formula lol

Created under the MVC framework. I learned that under Java and have absolutely no C++ experience prior to this project so like, haha that might be an awful idea but it's what im doing you cannot stop me

testing modules:

  • CPU
  • GPU
  • RAM
  • HDD

stressing modules:

  • CPU
  • GPU

Softwares used:

All files are downloaded to %LOCALAPPDATA%/QAST-Bench
todo: figure out the softwares used


If you have any questions or concerns, please email me at spencerfinch7@gmail.com.



  1. log that the user has accepted the risks
  2. find/download all softwares needed: keep user informed during this
  3. <more?>

[2] for now, just a simple HTML page will work

in the future, I'd like to implement a viewer that lets you compare your scores to all previous runs, but that isn't feasable for the moment

[3] i need to figure out a formula for this

current thoughts:

* temperatures should act as a modifier, with cooler temperatures slightly multiplying the score. Should probably be limited to reasonable temperatures for silicone? 0-90c, to discourage both excessively high (i.e. cards that run too hot) and excessively low temperatures (i.e. LN2 cooling). Maybe add a mode to disable this multiplier in the future.

* score needs to be scalable but meaningful

  * what i mean is that it cant be some like 30 digit number, but it needs to have some amount of granularity for weaker systems 

* how the heck do i calculate a formula for this

  * i need to figure out how other programs do this kinda stuff