ESP32 Camera motion capture application to record JPEGs to SD card as AVI files and stream to browser as MJPEG. If a microphone is installed then a WAV file is also created. Files can be uploaded via FTP or downloaded to browser.
- 15
- 4
Enabling cam seems to affect SD card access
#510 opened by paulmaz1955 - 9
LED can't be turned on?
#496 opened by vsolenoid - 4
Question about CAMERA_MODEL_NEW_ESPS3_RE1_0
#509 opened by shm4r7 - 6
PIR implemantation HOW best?
#505 opened by vermoi63 - 6
- 2
I2C library issue
#508 opened by rjsachse - 2
Unable to change config file
#502 opened by jantyka - 3
Error: disableRangeSlider is not defined
#503 opened by limengdu - 5
(not really code related): Imrove StatUp of esp when powered by UPS - to often "crash loop detected..."
#498 opened by vermoi63 - 3
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Lamp only ON for ~15 sec after change in level
#482 opened by vermoi63 - 5
Enabling "Use Pir for Detection"(under peripherals) triggers "StartUp Failure: Crash Loop Detected"
#494 opened by ChandrachurMaitra - 1
FTP Upload broke?
#488 opened by SETHSETH - 3
Brilliant programme
#481 opened by Donbruno100 - 12
Startup Failure: Check SD card inserted
#489 opened by deanfourie1 - 2
Remote mic is always Off
#492 opened by madiglechat - 1
Initialise - disableRangeSlider is not defined
#493 opened by navdeepssidhu - 1
Motion detection function stops working when the night time status switches to "yes"
#495 opened by Vernonip - 2
"ESP32-CAM Issue: Reappearing '19700101' GHOST Folder and Auto SD Delete Failure During Long PIR-Triggered Recordings, Causing Corrupt Files and SD Card Overflow Even After Enabling "AUTO SD DELETE" & "FORMATE FILE SYSTEM ON FAILURE FEATURES"
#499 opened by ChandrachurMaitra - 4
#480 opened by TheWISPRer - 12
[Module Support Inquiry] SDMMC MicroSD Card Support for FireBeetle 2 ESP32-S3
#472 opened by maximagination1 - 3
in V10.2.2 can't get stored some params entered in WEB front end (e.g. smtp access setting)
#497 opened by vermoi63 - 2
(only) in night-mode pictures are corrupted
#484 opened by vermoi63 - 2
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Can't download a video file, suddently, crashes at 75%
#479 opened by davemaster - 1
Change wifi function
#477 opened by DjF0589 - 1
Reset due to task watchdog every couple of minutes
#474 opened by ivoras - 2
Startup Failure: Crash loop detected
#476 opened by dodomart1234 - 2
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New Board - ESP32-S3 CAM Development Board WiFi Bluetooth Module N16R8 +OV2640
#470 opened by mrmonteith - 3
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Startup Failure: Crash Loop Detected
#468 opened by uriukti - 3
DFRobot Firebeetle ESP32S3 Support
#467 opened by maximagination1 - 2
server issue
#466 opened by Atharvamaj - 1
Video streaming NOT continuous
#462 opened by MayoorTech - 2
[Enhancement] Differentiate between PIR alert and Motion Detect alert in Telegram message
#458 opened by EERomeo - 4
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HTTPS file sending example
#455 opened by bjesuslopezg - 33
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nothing works
#465 opened by Atharvamaj - 1
Guru Meditation Error: Core 1 panic'ed (StoreProhibited). Expection was unhandled
#461 opened by EP-man - 1
Time not set when writing to the SD card
#463 opened by castruck - 2
[Bug] AP active and accessible without password after disabled "Allow simultaneous AP"
#460 opened by guece1 - 1
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fail to send email
#454 opened by dekaydk - 3
Telegram timeout issue
#453 opened by Rishinet - 3