Missing Configs.txt in data Folder

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Hello s60sc,

i've tried to run my cam-Module, but i've get the error:

[00:01:02.802 wgetFile] Downloading /data/configs.txt from https://raw.githubusercontent.com/s60sc/ESP32-CAM_MJPEG2SD/master/data/configs.txt [00:01:02.892 ERROR @ setupAssist.cpp:80] Download failed, error: connection refused

couldn't find the configs.txt File here... - can u pls upload a basic configs.txt file? - Don't know the content....

greetz and thanks a lot...

download latest code

OK, thanks... - i take it from V8.8 - Issue solved, i think...
have a nice day!


I've "found" the configs in the appSpecific.cpp File... - sry for the issue...