Record save time in forced record

Closed this issue · 2 comments

Firstly, great library. I didn't expect this module to support so many features.
All I want is to record indefinitely and to save a video to SD every 10 secs. I've looked at #271 but without success. What I tried was to change maxFrames to close the video earlier:

bool useMotion  = true; // whether to use camera for motion detection (with motionDetect.cpp)
bool dbgMotion  = false;
bool forceRecord = true; // Recording enabled by rec button

// motion detection parameters
int moveStartChecks = 5; // checks per second for start motion
int moveStopSecs = 2; // secs between each check for stop, also determines post motion time
int maxFrames = 100; // maximum number of frames in video before auto close 

But it doesn't affect forcedRecord at all.

Arduino IDE 2.3.2
AI Thinker ESP32-CAM with FTDI

Any help is much appreciated.

s60sc commented


Not designed for that purpose, but could:

  • change WiFi connect timeout (secs) to 10
  • modify doAppPing() which is now called every 10 secs to set forceRecord off and on

but will need to experiment

Ok, I understand. Will experiment with pirPin to keep it recording with gaps for saving video to SD.