[FEATURE UPDATE - TESTING] External heartbeat

Opened this issue · 4 comments

This was a productive weekend :D

I invite everyone interested to test external heartbeat feature by using www.espsee.com.
It is a website built with wordpress and a custom plugin i just created which:

  • handles heartbeat payloads
  • automatically adds your cameras if you used token provided under your espsee user account
  • displays all your cameras with up to date (dynamic) IP addresses
  • shows camera active/incative status based on last heartbeat receive time

After a successful test i plan to opensource the plugin and we can also make epseee.com a default value in the camera settings screen

P.S. I wanted to make all cameras open in iframe, but since the cameras are not working smoothly with https enabled (ESP32-CAM from aliexpress at least), I cant load http into iframe on https website :( But still, this is nice to have to provide all your camera links in one place.
I plan to add grouping in the future so you can organize your cameras :)

@s60sc am I allowed to use this repository link as a reference in the how to guide that will sit on this website?



s60sc commented

Youre welcome to add a reference.
You should add a privacy policy.

Added EspSee as a hinted setting in external heartbeat feature's option.
Added explanation to the main readme.

Also added initial privacy policy: https://www.espsee.com/privacy-and-terms/, if you have any suggestions, please tell me :)
Added: https://www.espsee.com/about/

s60sc commented

added link to readme