
Experiements with simple sound synthesis in Swift

Primary LanguageSwift


Experiements with simple sound synthesis in Swift.

Sounds are created by instantiating nodes (which might generate waveforms, perform arithmetic, etc.) and connecting them in a directed graph. Sound quality is not great (there's noticeable aliasing and glitching), but the purpose of this experiment is not exactly to create a world-class softsynth.


See AppDelegate.swift for some simple examples.

The following creates a sine wave with a frequency of 440 Hz and an amplitude of 1:

var osc = SineWave(440.Hz)

Any node can be converted to WAV NSData or played for a given duration:

osc.toWAV(44100.Hz, duration: 2.sec).writeToURL(url, atomically: true)
osc.play(2.sec) // 44100 sample rate is implied if not specified

Musical notes can be referenced with a shorthand notation:

var middleC = SineWave(C-4)
var cSharp  = SineWave(C+4)

Chords can be created by adding oscillators together:

var cMajor = SineWave(C-4) + SineWave(E-4) + SineWave(G-4)

Multiplying an oscillator by a low-frequency oscillator produces amplitude modulation.

var am = SawtoothWave(A-4) * TriangleWave(2.Hz)

Multiplying an oscillator by another audio-frequency oscillator produces ring modulation.

var ringMod = SquareWave(A-2) * TriangleWave(700.Hz)

Using one oscillator as the frequency input of another produces frequency modulation. (Also note that the amplitude of any node can be scaled by multiplying it by a constant.)

var siren = TriangleWave(1000.Hz + 400*SineWave(1.Hz))

Notes can be transposed by semitones or octaves:

let majorSeventhChord = {
  SineWave($0) + 
  SineWave($0+4.semitones) + 
  SineWave($0+7.semitones) +
let cMaj7 = majorSeventhChord(C-4)

The Noise node generates a constant stream of white noise. It can be tuned/quantized using the SampleAndHold node.

let eightBitNoise = SampleAndHold(500.Hz, input: Noise())
let beepsAndBoops = SquareWave(440.Hz + 100*SampleAndHold(10.Hz, input: Noise()))

Piecewise nodes can be used to create custom waveforms and to play arpeggios and tunes.

let loFiTriangle = Piecewise(C-4, values: [0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -1, -0.5])
let arp = SquareWave(Piecewise(2.Hz, values: [C-4, E-4, G-4]))


This is my first significant venture into Swift. I haven't learned all the idioms yet; feel free to submit a pull request correcting anything that looks weird.

I'm on Twitter: @autorelease