Experiements with simple sound synthesis in Swift.
Sounds are created by instantiating nodes (which might generate waveforms, perform arithmetic, etc.) and connecting them in a directed graph. Sound quality is not great (there's noticeable aliasing and glitching), but the purpose of this experiment is not exactly to create a world-class softsynth.
See AppDelegate.swift for some simple examples.
The following creates a sine wave with a frequency of 440 Hz and an amplitude of 1:
var osc = SineWave(440.Hz)
Any node can be converted to WAV NSData
or played for a given duration:
osc.toWAV(44100.Hz, duration: 2.sec).writeToURL(url, atomically: true)
osc.play(2.sec) // 44100 sample rate is implied if not specified
Musical notes can be referenced with a shorthand notation:
var middleC = SineWave(C-4)
var cSharp = SineWave(C+4)
Chords can be created by adding oscillators together:
var cMajor = SineWave(C-4) + SineWave(E-4) + SineWave(G-4)
Multiplying an oscillator by a low-frequency oscillator produces amplitude modulation.
var am = SawtoothWave(A-4) * TriangleWave(2.Hz)
Multiplying an oscillator by another audio-frequency oscillator produces ring modulation.
var ringMod = SquareWave(A-2) * TriangleWave(700.Hz)
Using one oscillator as the frequency input of another produces frequency modulation. (Also note that the amplitude of any node can be scaled by multiplying it by a constant.)
var siren = TriangleWave(1000.Hz + 400*SineWave(1.Hz))
Notes can be transposed by semitones or octaves:
let majorSeventhChord = {
SineWave($0) +
SineWave($0+4.semitones) +
SineWave($0+7.semitones) +
let cMaj7 = majorSeventhChord(C-4)
The Noise
node generates a constant stream of white noise. It can be
tuned/quantized using the SampleAndHold
let eightBitNoise = SampleAndHold(500.Hz, input: Noise())
let beepsAndBoops = SquareWave(440.Hz + 100*SampleAndHold(10.Hz, input: Noise()))
Piecewise nodes can be used to create custom waveforms and to play arpeggios and tunes.
let loFiTriangle = Piecewise(C-4, values: [0, 0.5, 1, 0.5, 0, -0.5, -1, -0.5])
let arp = SquareWave(Piecewise(2.Hz, values: [C-4, E-4, G-4]))
This is my first significant venture into Swift. I haven't learned all the idioms yet; feel free to submit a pull request correcting anything that looks weird.
I'm on Twitter: @autorelease