
Swagger, Flask, Docker and Automation

Primary LanguagePython

Flask RESTful Application Code Generator


Generates Flask Service blueprint code baded on Swagger Specification

This project is directly modified on: github.com/guokr/swagger-py-codegen

How its different:

Flask Code Gen is completly based on base requirments for standard build and integration. It Automates:
1> Module Creation (flask blueprint) and grouping of API's
2> Abstract API views to support easier API changes
3> Python Project setup (setuptools, tox, pycov, flake8, pydoc integration)
4> Build, Test, Release automation Script
5> Dockerfile with Cherrypi as a wsgi server
6> Swagger UI and Definition creation


Install stable package from dist:

pip install flask-leap

Install from code:

make install flask-leap


Create all:

flask-leap --swagger-doc api.yml example

Command Options:

flask-leap --help
Usage: flask-leap [OPTIONS] DESTINATION

-s, --swagger, --swagger-doc TEXT
Swagger doc file.  [required]
-f, --force                     Force overwrite to generated files.
-t, --template-dir TEXT         Path of your custom templates directory.
-g, --group-factor INTEGER      The api groupping factor for creating a
module, zero to disable
-a, --author TEXT               author of the service
-m, --mail TEXT                 mailid of the author
-v, --service-version TEXT      initial service version
--version                       Show current version.
--help                          Show this message and exit.


Generate example service from api.yml:

|__ api.yml

//  Group factor value 1 indicates that more than one same 
//  api pattern will create a module
$ flask-leap -s api.yml -g 1 example
$ tree
|__ api.yml
|__ example
	├── Dockerfile
	├── MANIFEST.in
	├── Makefile
	├── README.md
	├── config
	│   └── config.py
	├── docker-entrypoint.sh
	├── example
	│   ├── __init__.py
	│   ├── __main__.py
	│   ├── app.py
	│   ├── blueprints.py (R)
	│   ├── common
	│   │   ├── __init__.py
	│   │   └── utils.py
	│   ├── config
	│   │   ├── __init__.py
	│   │   └── config.py
	│   ├── hello
	│   │   ├── __init__.py
	│   │   ├── models.py
	│   │   ├── resources.py (R)
	│   │   ├── routes.py (R)
	│   │   └── views.py
	│   ├── resources.py (R)
	│   ├── routes.py (R)
	│   ├── run.py
	│   ├── schemas.py (R)
	│   ├── swagger.json (R)
	│   └── views.py
	├── requirements.txt
	├── server.py
	├── setup.cfg
	├── setup.py
	├── swagger.yaml (R)(S)
	├── test
	│   ├── __init__.py
	│   └── test.py
	├── tox.ini
	└── wsgi.py
(R) File that would be Regenerated for changes in swagger
    For the best practice user should not change the Regenerated Files
(S) Swagger definition file for the Service
    This file would be used by the CI/CD for the service definition

Install Example Service:

$ cd example
$ make install

Start Example Service:

$ python server.py

Create and Run Docker image of Example Service:

$ make install-docker
$ docker run docker run -p 8080:8080 s8sg/example

Service Swagger Ui from apis.yml:

Then you can visit<base_path>/apidocs in a browser.