ActivePam - Pamela Rief Workout Schedules App

ActivePam is a workout app that features weekly home workout plans.

Table of contents


ActivePam includes easy access to weekly home workout plans created by fitness influencer Pamela Reif. With progress tracking and daily reminders option.


  • Flutter.
  • Firebase.

-Firebase Authentication.
-Cloud Firestore(For Storage).


  • User authentication with Firebase (email and password + google sign in).
  • Easy access to an organized weekly workout plan.
  • Watch planned workout videos from YouTube.
  • Track daily and weekly progress via user authentications.
  • Send scheduled daily remainders.


  • Sign Up
    Users can sign up with eighther email and password or a google account. Code handles errors if email is already used for another existing account.
    Developed using firebase authentication services.
  • Log in
    Log in code can handle errors if the password is wrong, or user is facing connection problems, user also has password reset option. all done using firebase authentication.
  • Day Screen
    Day screen is a screen that shows the daily workouts consisting of different versions of plans(30 minutes, 45 minutes, or beginner workout). Users can transition between the different versions with smooth animation transitions.
  • Used cloude firestore to store YouTube video IDs, for showing the videos thumbnails also to pass them into the video screen.
  • Video Screen
    Video screen uses Youtube_player_package, first the Youtube videos IDs are retrieved from the cloud firestore and then passed them in a list.
  • Next Video
    User can skip one video and move on to the next one with one click
  • Exiting Video Screen
  • Set Reminder option
    Users have the choice to set scheduled daily reminders as notifications. Developed this feature with the help of flutter_local_notifications: ^3.0.3 .
  • Log out
  • Weekly Progress indicator(percentage)
    The app uses a function that counts how much of progress the user has made in one day and store that progress as a percentage in Cloud FireStore. using this code
    With the use of another function weekly progress is also indicated and shown to the user in the week_tile

Used Flutter Packeges

Potential updates

  • Add calendar reminders.
  • Visualization of usage analysis(Calendar + Frequency + Streaks + History)


Facing the problem of searching every single video from the weekly plans pictures manually, also having to remember all the videos before starting my workout. With this app, I can access all the videos more conveniently. Pamela Rief install: @pamela_rf

code sources

  • The animation in the day screen was from FireShip's tutorial.