
Backdrop filter polyfill for browsers that do not support it

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT

CSS backdrop filter polyfill

Demo: https://ahsane.github.io/backdropjs/index.html (not working because RawGit is down)

Backdrop filter polyfill for browsers that do not support it

Safari already has backdrop-filter support, so this is not needed for it.


npm install backdropjs --save-dev


Current limitation: This works only for static content.

First add the script <script src="backdrop.js"></script>

Then use the API backdrop(backdropsource, backdropapply, blur, scroller)

backdropsource: The dom element where backdrop is going to be applied from

backdropapply: The dom element where backdrop is going to be applied to

blur: The amout of blur in px (equivalent to backdrop-filter: blur)

scroller: (string [yes/no]) Keep this to yes.

Example: backdrop(document.documentElement.outerHTML, document.getElementById('xx'), 20, "yes");