
sparse dynamic mode decomposition in python

Primary LanguagePython

This tool is in development. The API may change! If you raise an issue I will most likely respond :)

Sparse DMD in Python

The Dynamic Mode Decomposition is a tool for analysing spatially distributed time-series, motivated by seeking recurring patterns in 2D velocity data from experiments in fluids.

The DMD finds the best fit to the data with a number of 'dynamic' modes, each having a distinct frequency of oscillation.

A drawback of the standard DMD is that the number of modes is the same as the number of fields in the decomposition axis of the data and that there is no clear way to select which of these modes best represent the data.

The sparse DMD (Jovanovic et al, 2014) aims to find a reduced number of dynamic modes that best represent the data.

This is a Python version of the reference matlab source.


Assuming that u is some 3d array containing 2d velocity data through time, we can supply a decomposition axis that will transform this into a matrix of snapshots and compute the standard DMD:

import sparse_dmd

# load data
u = load_some_data()

# create and compute the standard dmd
dmd = sparse_dmd.DMD(u, axis=-1)

We can access the dynamic modes, ritz values and (optimal) amplitudes as attributes on this object:

# the dynamic modes
# the optimal amplitudes
# the ritz values

Now we can compute the sparse dmd, given some parameterisation range:

# initialise the sparse dmd (can also do directly from snapshots)
spdmd = sparse_dmd.SparseDMD(dmd=dmd)

# create range of sparsity parameterisation
gamma = np.logspace(-2, 6, 200)

# compute the sparse dmd using this gamma range

You may have to tweak the range of gamma manually, until it nicely covers your data.

You can now access the results of the sparsity computation:

# polished optimal mode amplitudes
optimal_amplitudes = dmd.sparse.xpol

# number of non-zero amplitudes


The plotting routines from the matlab source have been copied over and can easily be performed:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plotter = sparse_dmd.SparsePlots(dmd)

fig = plotter.performance_loss_gamma()

fig, ax = plt.subplots()


Given a sparse computation and a desired number of modes we can attempt to reconstruct the original data.

Currently you have to perform the computation with given gamma and look the array of the number of nonzero amplitudes, dmd.sparse.Nz, for the index into gamma corresponding to the number of modes that you want (e.g. Ni=30 here).

# compute the reconstruction for gamma[30]
reconstruction = dmd.compute_sparse_reconstruction(Ni=30)

reconstructed_data = reconstruction.rdata

reduced_set_of_modes = reconstruction.modes
reduced_set_of_ritz_values = reconstruction.freqs
reduced_set_of_amplitudes = reconstruction.amplitudes


Performance is on par with the matlab version when using accelerated Anaconda.

On a 6 * 2.6GHz Opteron, 32GB machine, using the channel.mat example data with a gamma parameterisation of logspace(log10(0.15), log10(160), 200), the original Matlab (R2012a) (with printing supressed) takes 1.60s and this Python version takes 1.55s (using accelerated Anaconda).


Very welcome, especially for performance! Just create an issue / open a pull request.

How did I translate this?

  1. Take the matlab source and form a single .m file that contains the entire program in imperative form.

  2. Go through this file line by line, writing the equivalent Python and checking that the intermediate results are the same in both Python and MATLAB.

  3. Write a simple test, comparing the output of both matlab and python with the same input data.

  4. Refactor the Python program, using the test to avoid mistakes.