

Primary LanguagePython

SketchGNN: Semantic Sketch Segmentation with Graph Neural Networks

We introduce SketchGNN, a convolutional graph neural network for semantic segmentation and labeling of freehand vector sketches. We treat an input stroke-based sketch as a graph, with nodes representing the sampled points along input strokes and edges encoding the stroke structure information. SketchGNN significantly improves the accuracy of the state-of-the-art methods for semantic sketch segmentation and has magnitudes fewer parameters than both image-based and sequence-based methods.



  • Pytorch>=1.6.0
  • pytorch_geometric>=1.6.1
  • tensorboardX>=1.9

How to use


python evaluate.py --dataset SPG256 --class-name airplane --out-segment 4 --timestamp BEST --which-epoch bestloss


python train.py --dataset SPG256 --class-name airplane --out-segment 4 --shuffle --stochastic


MIT License