
This library contains more than one cache provider for dotnet.

Primary LanguageC#MIT LicenseMIT

CodeFactor Nuget Nuget Nuget Nuget Nuget Nuget Nuget Nuget Maintainability License: MIT


Hi, this library contains more than one cache provider.

Thus, you can easily change the provider in your applications without re-implementation.

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How to use EasyCache?

EasyCache includes one more than cache provider. Choose any.

EasyCache for MemoryCache

Install EasyCache.Memory from Nuget Package

Add services.AddEasyMemoryCache() in startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddEasyMemoryCache(); <-- Initialize EasyCache for MemoryCache

after get IEasCacheService from dependency injection.

private readonly IEasyCacheService easyCacheService;

public DefaultController(IEasyCacheService easyCacheService)
    this.easyCacheService = easyCacheService;

EasyCache for Redis

Install EasyCache.Redis from Nuget Package

Add services.AddEasyRedisCache() in startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
        options.Configuration = "localhost";
        options.InstanceName = GetType().Assembly.GetName().Name
    }); <-- Initialize EasyCache for Redis

after get IEasCacheService from dependency injection.

private readonly IEasyCacheService easyCacheService;

public DefaultController(IEasyCacheService easyCacheService)
    this.easyCacheService = easyCacheService;

EasyCache for MemCache

Install EasyCache.MemCache from Nuget Package

Add services.AddEasyRedisCache() in startup.cs

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    services.AddEasyMemCache(options=>options.AddServer("localhost",11211)); <-- Initialize EasyCache for MemCache

after get IEasCacheService from dependency injection.

private readonly IEasyCacheService easyCacheService;

public DefaultController(IEasyCacheService easyCacheService)
    this.easyCacheService = easyCacheService;

See for more information Wiki


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