
Source code for DimReader

Primary LanguagePython



Python 3

DimReader was created for Python3. It may work on Python2 but this has not been tested.


DimReader currently uses numpy version 1.15.2 but other versions should work.


This repository provides the source code for DimReader. The full paper can be found at https://rjfaust.github.io/DimReader.pdf

DimReader offers 3 methods:

1. DimReader: The user provides a perturbation for each point and it calculates the effect of perturbing
each point in the specified way.

2. Tangent Map Recovery: The calculation of the entire tangent map for a given dataset and projection.

3. Perturbation Discovery: The calculation of the perturbation that changes the projection the most 
(requires the tangent map).

Running DimReader

DimReader can be run with the command

python DimReader.py dataFile.csv perturbationFile.csv projection [optional parameters]

The command to run dimreader on the iris dataset is

python DimReader.py Examples/iris.csv Examples/irisPerturb.csv tsne 30

Data File

Should be in CSV format and all data should be numeric. An example can be found at Examples/iris.csv

Perturbation File

A csv where each line is the perturbation for the corresponding point. In a row (perturbation), there should be a value for each dimension of the original data. For example, if the data point is [1,2,3,4] the corresponding row of the perturbation file might look like "1,0,0,0".

If you would like run DimReader once for each dimension (perturbing the data points in that dimension), enter "all" instead of a perturbation file. An example is shown below.

python DimReader.py Examples/iris.csv all tsne 30

This will return a .dimreader file where each point takes the form

{ "domain": original point "range": projected point "inputPert": The best perturbation for that point "outputPert": the resulting perturbation on the output }


Currently, only two types of projections are supported:

1. tSNE 
Paremters: Perplexity (default = 20), 
    Number of iterations (default 1000), 
    Number of Dimensions to project to (default 2)

2. Projection from the Tangent Map 

Optional Parameters

Some projections have user tunable paramters. If that is the case, those parameters must be entered in the order that they are shown in the description (it will read them in in that order). For example, for tSNE, if we want to specify the number of iterations, we first have to enter the perplexity.


The projection can be plotted by opening Plotting/index.html and uploading the .dimreader file into it. The axis lines can be turned on and off, as well as the output vectors.

Running Tangent Map Recovery

The command to recover the tangent map is

python TangentMap.py dataFile projection [optional parameters]

The command to calculate the Tangent map of the iris dataset is

python TangentMap.py Examples/iris.csv tsne 30

All of the command parameters are the same as those used in the DimReader command (above).

The output .tmap file (as shown in Examples/iris_TangentMap_tsne.tmap) is a JSON where each point takes the form

{ "domain": original point "range": projected point "tangent": 2xm map from the tangent of the original point to the tangent of the projected point }

Running Perturbation Discovery

Perturbation Discovery finds the perturbation that changes the projection the most under the constraints:

1. The perturbation for each point should be the one that maximizes the change in the projected point

2. Points that are projected to similar places should be perturbed in similar ways

The command to run perturbation discovery is

python PertrubationDiscovery.py tangentMapFile.tmap sigma lambda [optional which_vector]

To recover the best perturbation from the iris dataset run the command

python PertrubationDiscovery.py iris_TangentMap_tsne.tmap 10 30 0

It will return a .dimreader file where each point takes the form

{ "domain": original point "range": projected point "inputPert": The best perturbation for that point "outputPert": the resulting perturbation on the output }

Tangent Map File

The tangent map file should be a file created by running the Tangent Map Recovery (discussed above)


Sigma is a similarity parameter that is used to decide how similar two projected points are. The similarity equation is

Simliarity Equation

Sigma, in the denominator of the exponent, determines how close projected points have to be to be considered similar. Further details are given in the paper.


Lambda is a parameter to determine how much smoothing we want. Details of how this parameter is used are given in the paper.

Which Vector

The perturbation discovery boils down to an eigenvalue problem where the first eiegenvector is the perturbation that changes the projection the most. However, other eigenvectors may contain interesting information so the user can specify which perturbation vector they want to see (from 0 to n-1). By default, this is 0.