
Core integrations of the datadog agent

Primary LanguagePythonBSD 3-Clause "New" or "Revised" LicenseBSD-3-Clause

Build Status Build status

Datadog Agent Core Integrations

This repository contains the Agent Integrations that Datadog officially develops and supports. To add a new integration, please see the Integrations Extras repository and the accompanying documentation.

Installing the Integrations

The Datadog Agent contains all core integrations from this repository, so to get started using them, simply install the datadog-agent package for your operating system.

Additionally, you may install any individual core integration via its own dd-check-<integration_name> package, e.g. dd-check-nginx. We build these packages from this repository and release them more often than datadog-agent. This allows us to distribute integration updates - and brand new integrations - in between releases of datadog-agent.

In other words: on the day of a new datadog-agent release, you'll likely get the same version of the nginx check from the agent package as you would from dd-check-nginx. But if we haven't released a new agent in 6 weeks and this repository contains a bugfix for the nginx check, install the latest dd-check-nginx to override the buggy check packaged with datadog-agent.

For a check with underscores in its name, its package name replaces underscores with dashes. For example, the powerdns_recursor check is packaged as dd-check-powerdns-recursor.

Reporting Issues

For more information on integrations, please reference our documentation and knowledge base. You can also visit our help page to connect with us.