
Tool to fit care home data in the SAIL environment to measure the impact of hospital transfers on infections

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bayesian fitting of care home data in SAIL


  • generate_sample_data.py: tool to generate sample data of the form expected by the other tooling. Should approximately meet the specifications of the data, but distributions are uniform so don't expect to see the same observed behaviour as reality. Has decent test coverage.
  • likelihood.py: implements the log-likelihood calculation using Numpy. Good test coverage.
  • mcmc.py: maximimises the likelihood based on three cases: one with only the baseline intensity, one with the baseline plus case self-excitation, and finally one with the baseline plus self- and hospital discharge-induced excitations. Currently no unit tests in place.


Packages required are listed in requirements.txt. These can be installed into a new virtual environment using

pip install -r requirements.txt

Most requirements are included with Anaconda; the remainder can also be installed into a Conda environment using conda instead of pip.



To generate some sample data to check the usage of the tools outside of the SAIL environment:

make sample_data

This creates a sampledata directory containing full-sized and medium-sized data sets.

Each data set is expected to comprise three CSV files:

  • cases: one column per care home, a header row containing care home IDs, followed by one row per day of integers representing number of new cases in that care home on that day.
  • covariates: one column per case home, a header row containing care home IDs, followed by one row containing integers representing a banded classifcation of care home size. This index should start at zero. Currently a classification 0-3 is tested, but other maximum indices may work, and if not then this would be easy to correct.
  • discharges: one column per care home, a header row containing care home IDs, followed by one row per day of integers representing number of hospital discharges into that care home on that day.


To calculate the likelihood of a particular parameter set, use the command

python likelihood.py

with an appropriate set of arguments. The minimal set of parameters is:

  • --cases_file, followed by the filename of the cases CSV file (for example, --cases_file sampledata/cases_medium.csv)
  • --covariates_file, followed by the filename of the covariates CSV file (for example, --covariates_file sampledata/covariates_medium.csv)
  • --baseline_intensities, followed by a list of the baseline intensities tool calculate with (for example, --baseline_intensities 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8)

Optional parameters:

  • --discharges_file, followed by the filename of the cases CSV file (for example, --discharges_file sampledata/discharges_medium.csv). Must be specified if r_h is non-zero.
  • --r_c or --r_h, followed by the coefficient associated with the self- and discharge excitation respectively (for example, --r_c 1.5 --r_h 0.5). By default these terms are zero.
  • --self_excitation_mean or --discharge_excitation_mean, followed by the mean of the gamma distribution of self- or discharge times respectively. Default is --self_excitation_mean 6.5 --discharge_excitation_mean 6.5
  • --self_excitation_cv and --discharge_excitation_cv, followed by the coefficient of variation of the gamma distribution of self- or discharge times respectively. Default is --self_excitation_cv 0.62 --discharge_excitation_cv 0.62

MCMC fit

To fit a given data set, use the command

python mcmc.py

Many parameters behave the same as for likelihood.py. Of those that differ, required parameters are:

  • --baseline_intensities may be followed by a single integer representing the number of care home size classifications
  • --output_directory specifies the directory in which to place the output. This should not already exist (unless the --overwrite option is specified.)

Optional parameters:

  • --overwrite: if the output directory already existss, then remove it. Use with caution.
  • --num_burn, --num_draws, followed by an integer will set the number of thermalisation samples and the number of samples drawn from the posterior distribution respectively.
  • --case allows running a specific case (base, self, or full) rather than all three.
  • --step allows selecting what step function (metropolis or slice) will be used in the Monte Carlo. Default is metropolis.

This will display summary results on screen, and also create files in the output directory. Filenames start with base, self, or full; base and self are created in all cases, while full is only created if discharge data are supplied. For each case, three objects are created:

  • summary.txt, containing the same statistics output to the screen, namely the mean, standard deviation, confidence intervals, etc. for the fit parameters estimated from the posterior distributions.
  • trace.dat, a directory containing traces from the Monte Carlo simulation, which allows further analysis of the output if necessary.
  • traceplot.pdf, containing plots of the traces and their histograms, to allow a judgement of the stability of the fit.


The test suite can be run using

make test

This performs unit tests verifying the expected behaviour of likelihood.py and generate_sample_data.py. This should complete very quickly; skipped tests are the performance benchmark tests mentioned below which take longer.

Other utilities

The included Makefile provides some convenience tools:

  • make clean: remove the generated sample data
  • make benchmark: run timings of the key functions in likelihood.py using representatively large sample data. This makes use of pytest-benchmark; skipped tests are the unit tests, which are not benchmarked.
  • make benchmark_record: run the above timings, and also save the results so that they can be compared later using pytest-benchmark compare.
  • make clean_timings: remove the saved benchmark timings.
  • make example_plots: produce some example plots showing the intensity as a function of time for specific discharge schedules.