
Users management system built using PHP Laravel framework, JQuery, Bootstrap 4, MySQL Database. This system used to register/login users into the system and manage those users in the system to (view/search/edit/delete) users records

Primary LanguageHTML


Users management system built using PHP Laravel framework, JQuery, Bootstrap 4, MySQL Database. This system used to register/login users into the system and manage those users in the system to (view/search/edit/delete) users records


  • Make sure to extract public.7z, dashboard-template.7z and login-register-theme.7z

  • Make sure to install all npm packages for this project => npm install

  • Install composer dependencies => composer install

  • Use online connection to load CDNs

  • make sure to edit .env file for database connections

  • Use migration files to build database tables => php artisan migrate


  • Credits goes to Colorlib and AdminLTE for both of bootstrap theme and template