
:octocat: Simple SPA with jQuery/ES6

Primary LanguageJavaScript



This project is an single page application (SPA) written with the using such technologies as npm (Package manager), jQuery (Library for js), javascript (modern standart ES6), express (framework for nodejs server). It uses pattern MVC for architecture, JSON-file like store in the server and localStorage like local store.


To develop SPA with the following functionality:

alt tag

  • Displays a list of entities (see. picture above)
  • This list will be loaded from the server in JSON format using the AJAX-request (you can create your own server, or use a cloud database with the REST API interface).
  • Each entity must have at least the title, a short description and state of the Like (or likes counter).
  • When you click on "X", corresponding card is removed from the page (using any jquery effect) and sent a request to delete the card from the server.
  • Clicking on the "Like" - changing design of labels and sent a request to the server to make the appropriate changes.


To get started, you have to install nodejs and npm. After, using npm to install global dependencies:

npm install -g babel browserify

Then navigate into the project folder (after fork/download/clone) and install the npm-modules.

cd jquery-training
npm install

Compiling ES6 to ES5

After npm-modules have been installed, use Babel script to convert the src files. Browserify is also used so that module.exports and require() can be run in your browser.

npm run compile


To check this project, you can start nodejs server and then open your browser and go to: http://localhost:8089/:

node server/server.js 

alt tag