OffensEval 2020 Models code for Team KAFK
Please find the notebooks for the system code used for each task in the notebooks
They should work out of the box in Google Colab. However, to fully replicate our work you will need the exact hyperparmeters
from the original paper and the full dataset which might not be possible in Colab.
We have provided small subset of the dataset for each task in the data
folder to use with the abovementioned notebooks. Please cite their work if you used the data in your work. The citation is provided below. Also, if you want to use the full dataset, kindly create DataFrames out of them in the same manner as used in the notebooks.
- RAdam :
- LookAhead:
- Transformers:
If you use our scripts please cite:
If you used the data please cite
title={{A Large-Scale Semi-Supervised Dataset for Offensive Language Identification}},
author={Rosenthal, Sara and Atanasova, Pepa and Karadzhov, Georgi and Zampieri, Marcos and Nakov, Preslav},