Provisioning a Hosted Control Plane with Ansible Automation Platform

This repository details the steps to provision an HCP on your Openshift cluster using Ansible Automation Platform (AAP).


  1. An existing AAP instance
  2. An OpenShift cluster with administrative access
  3. A Git repository containing the hcp-provisioning playbook


  1. Create an AAP Project:
  • Log in to your AAP web interface.
  • Navigate to the Projects section.
  • Click Create Project.
  • Provide a descriptive name for your project (e.g., hcp-provisioning).
  • Click Create.
  1. Create a Custom Credential Type: Create a custom credential type named kubeconfig to store your OpenShift cluster access information. This avoids directly exposing the access token in your playbooks.
  • Go to the Administration section within AAP.

  • Click on Credential Types.

  • Click Create Credential Type.

  • Provide a name (e.g., kubeconfig).

  • Paste the following in input configuration field:

         - id: kube_config
           type: string
           label: kubeconfig
           secret: true
           multiline: true
         - kube_config
  • Paste the following in Injector configuration field:

        KUBECONFIG: '{{ tower.filename.kubeconfig }}'
        K8S_AUTH_KUBECONFIG: '{{ tower.filename.kubeconfig }}'
        template.kubeconfig: '{{ kube_config }}'
    • Click Save.
  1. Create an OpenShift Cluster Credential:

    • Go to the Credentials section within your newly created project.
    • Click Create Credential.
    • Provide a name
    • Choose kubeconfig as the credential type.
    • Paste the kubeconfig of the Hub Openshift cluster on which the HCP will be provisioned.
  2. Create a Pull Secret Credential Type and a pull-secret credential.

    • Go to the Administration section within AAP.

    • Click on Credential Types.

    • Click Create Credential Type.

    • Provide a name (e.g., pull-secret).

    • Paste the following in input configuration field:

          - id: pull_secret
            type: string
            label: pull_secret
            secret: true
            multiline: true
          - pull_secret
    • Paste the following in Injector configuration field:

        PULL_SECRET: '{{ tower.filename.sec }}'
        template.sec: '{{ pull_secret }}'
    • Go to the Credentials section within your newly created project.

    • Click Create Credential.

    • Provide a name

    • Choose pull-secret as the credential type.

    • Paste your pull-secret configuration.

  3. Create a Job Template:

    • Go to the Templates section within your project.
    • Click Create Template.
    • Provide a name for your job template (e.g., hcp-deployment).
    • Under Inventory choose Demo Inventory which contains the localhost as Host.
    • Select the Project you created earlier, and choose the hcp-provisioning playbook.
    • Under Credentials, select the kubeconfig credential and the pull-secret credential you created earlier.
  4. Launch the Job:

    • Once your job template is configured, click Launch.
    • Review the confirmation details and click Launch again to initiate the HCP deployment process on your OpenShift cluster using the hcp-install playbook.
  5. Monitor Job Progress:

    • Navigate to the Jobs section within your AAP project.
    • You'll see the launched job with its status (running, successful, failed, etc.).