
  • photo editing

APIs URL information:

1.Mosaic - https://application-79.11p5m57if4on.us-east.codeengine.appdomain.cloud/mosaic_maker/: Creates a template out of input images based on the template selected

2.Passport creation - https://application-79.11p5m57if4on.us-east.codeengine.appdomain.cloud/passport_photo_size/: Creates passport size photo along with other optional constraints such as specs required or not, minimalistic features applied on pictures or not

3.Format change - https://application-79.11p5m57if4on.us-east.codeengine.appdomain.cloud/format_change/: Changes the image format based on user selection

4.Background change - https://application-79.11p5m57if4on.us-east.codeengine.appdomain.cloud/background_change/: Changes the background color of the image to the one selected by user

5.Resize - https://application-79.11p5m57if4on.us-east.codeengine.appdomain.cloud/resize/: Changes the dimensions of the images based on the user input

6.Noise removal - https://application-79.11p5m57if4on.us-east.codeengine.appdomain.cloud/noise_removal/: Removes noise from the given input image

7.Pdf maker - https://application-79.11p5m57if4on.us-east.codeengine.appdomain.cloud/pdf_maker/: Collages input images to a PDF file.

Local Setup Git clone using the command git clone git@github.com:xlab-classes/cse611-fall-2023-team-photoedting.git or git clone https://github.com/xlab-classes/cse611-fall-2023-team-photoedting.git

Setting Up Backend

1. Copy Model Files

Move model files to backend/photo_editing_api/media/models/. For FFMPEG, perform the following steps as mentioned

  • In Windows :
    • Download the release version of ffmpeg via the link - https://www.gyan.dev/ffmpeg/builds/ffmpeg-release-essentials.7z
    • Extract, copy to any location of your choice and copy the path to the bin folder (Eg - C:\ffmpeg\bin)
    • In Start menu, search for Environment Variables (User / System) and Edit PATH variable to include the above ffmpeg bin path
    • Restart the Terminal and verify ffmpeg command runs successfully.
  • In linux : sudo apt install ffmpeg

2. Navigate to Project Directory

Open your terminal or PowerShell and navigate using:

cd path\to\backend\photo_editing_api\

3. Setup Virtual Environment

If not already created, initialize a virtual environment and activate it:

python -m venv venv
.\venv\Scripts\Activate.ps1 # Windows

source venv/bin/activate  # MacOS/Linux

4. Install Dependencies

Install dependencies from requirements.txt. For dlib errors, ensure Visual Studio components are installed or install dlib separately.

pip install -r requirements.txt

5. Run Development Server

Start the Django server using:

python manage.py runserver

Access the server at or http://localhost:8000/.

Testing Setup

Navigate to the server address in a browser to view the Django welcome page or project home page.


Refer to console output for error details.

Ensure Python environment and package compatibility.

Possible Issues & Solutions

-Issue: BatchNormalization

import error from tensorflow.python.keras.layers.

Solutions: Check TensorFlow version:

pip show tensorflow.

-Adjust import statements in deeplab.py: from tensorflow.keras.layers import BatchNormalization # TensorFlow 2.x or from keras.layers import BatchNormalization # TensorFlow 1.x

Install specific TensorFlow version: pip install tensorflow==<specific_version>.

Additional Notes

-Restart the virtual environment after TensorFlow installation or upgrade.

-Always activate the virtual environment before installations or upgrades.

Final Steps

Run the server again after making changes and monitor the console for errors or warnings.

python manage.py runserver

Setting Up Frontend

Navigate to the frontend directory and install the necessary packages, then start the server:

cd frontend
npm install
npm start