
Sets up a basic PHP development box using vagrant based on Ubuntu Precise with Nginx, php-fpm, MongoDB, ...

Primary LanguagePuppet

Set up a PHP development box super fast

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  • Install vagrant using the installation instructions in the Getting Started document
  • Add a Ubuntu Precise box using the available official boxes, for example: vagrant box add phpdevbox http://files.vagrantup.com/precise64.box (make sure it's named phpdevbox)
  • Clone this repository
  • Install submodules with git submodule update --init
  • After running vagrant up the box is set up using Puppet
  • You should now have your working Symfony2 Standard Edition under http://localhost:8181/app_dev.php (You have to uncomment or remove some lines at the beginning of web/app_dev.php that restrict access to this file. Is no risk as you should not deploy that file to prodution anyway.)

Installed components


If you want to debug your cli application using xdebug for example with Netbeans just run this command before executing the cli app:

.. code-block:: sh

$ export XDEBUG_CONFIG="idekey=netbeans-xdebug remote_host= profiler_enable=1 default_enable=1 remote_enable=1 remote_handler=dbgp remote_port=9000 remote_autostart=0"


Startup speed

To speed up the startup process use

.. code-block:: sh

$ vagrant up --no-provision

after the first run. It just starts the virtual machine without provisioning of the recipes.