Svelte component template

To create a svelte component package or a web component package


  1. In package.json file change name of your package (kebab-case string)
  2. In package.json file change componentname value to your own component name (PascalCase string).

Try it in your app

  1. Run npm pack
  2. Test your component in your Svelte app by installing it locally npm i ./path/to/package/
  3. Import it in your app import YourComponentName from 'your-package-name'

Publish your package to npm

  1. Deploy your package to npm with npm publish

Make it a web component

  1. Add <svelte:options tag="custom-element" /> tag to your component where custom-element is the tag name of your web component
  2. In rollup.config.js file set plugins > svelte > compilerOptions > customElement to true
  3. Import your component like import 'your-package-name'
  4. Use your web component like <custom-element></custom-element> tag where custom-element is the tag name you chose in step 1