
Files for a tutorial on how to create a universal app by sharing code between React and React Native app using React Native Web and Yarn Workspaces

Primary LanguageJavaScript

React Universal App Tutorial Demo App

Files for React Native Universal App tutorial.

Tutorial URL: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=um90kBJ_hG0

Blog Post: https://saadibrah.im/how-to-share-code-between-react-and-react-native-app-using-react-native-web-and-yarn-workspaces/

Libraries or tools used

  • React Native
  • React JS
  • React Native Web
  • Redux

Useful links

Running the app in simulator

To run the app you need yarn package manager. Once you have yarn installed, clone the repo and navigate to it's directory in terminal and run the following commands:

## to install the dependencies
## to run the app on iOS
cd packages/mobile/ios/ && pod install && cd ..
react-native run-ios
## to run the app on Android
react-native run-android
## to run the app on Web
cd packages/web
yarn start


Universal React and React Native app