
Machine learning based project to detect bird's shapes from images

Primary LanguagePython


Machine learning based project to detect bird's shapes from images


Execute shapes.py python script to run Multi Layer Perceptron network using provided datasets


Open terminal / CMD

Change directory to src directory

cd MlshapeSimplification/src

Run shapes.py

python shapes.py

Folder Structure

├── assets                   # Computed angles and saved networks
│   ├── angles          # Computed shapes angles
│   ├── blobs         # Serialized neural networks
├── resources                    # Static files such as images, csv, etc.
│   ├── shapes          # Birds shapes in csv, png, etc.
├── src                     # Source code i.e., scripts
└── README.md

Coding Conventions

  • Use camelCase while naming folders, files, etc.
  • Follow the Folder Structure mentioned above
  • Provide summary for every function
  • Use camelCase while naming variables and method names