
Django API to send and track emails through Postmark ESP

Primary LanguagePython


Rest endpoints to send and track emails through ESPs (Email Service Providers). This app is build on Django 4 framework, Django Rest Framework, and Anymail library (https://github.com/anymail/django-anymail). Although Anymail supports various ESPs and makes this API extendable, presently, the Postmark ESP (https://postmarkapp.com/) is being used.

Getting Started

The project is built using docker containers where django, postgres, and other frameworks are installed.

  1. Make sure you have docker installed on your machine to build this API.
  2. Use the .env.sample file to create a .env file at the root of project directory.
  3. To get the POSTMARK_SERVER_TOKEN, create a free account on Postmark using a business domain. In free version, the emails can only be sent and received for the users in the same business domain. It will also create a server in Postmark. From the server settings, go to the API Token tab and copy the Server API tokens and use it for the env variable above.
  4. [OPTIONAL] If you want to setup a webhook for production, open the Default Transactional Stream and follow the instructions there. You don't need to set that up for development purposes.
  5. Set your own WEBHOOK_SECRET
  6. Make sure you have both docker and docker-compose installed and they are accessible from the command line. Verify it by running docker --version and docker-compose --version
  7. Run docker-compose build
  8. Run docker-compose run --rm app sh -c "python manage.py createsuperuser --email admin@example.com --username admin" to create a superuser admin. Feel free to use any emails or username. You will be asked for a password.
  9. Run docker-compose up
  10. Head over to your browser and browse to This will open the Swagger UI, that you can use to authorize using the superuser credentials and call the endpoints.

Functionalities and Endpoints

  1. admin/ -> django admin
  2. api/docs/ -> swagger UI
  3. api/email/emails -> email list with documented filtering
  4. api/email/send -> send an email to multiple recipients with attachment
  5. api/email/status -> get status of emails using documented filters
  6. api/email/webhook/ -> receive webhook events form your ESP (i.e, Postmark). Currently the delivery events are handled and the status of emails is updated


  1. Use uppercase email status values in filters as written in the enum under app/emailSender/models.py.
  2. Use the message_id returned after sending the email to filter it while getting
  3. Use comma-separated recipient email addresses to send to multiple recipients. Those emails will get the same message_id but individual SentEmail entry and status tracking in the database. This helps tracking statuses efficiently.

Calling Webhooks During Development

During development, testing webhook is a manual process. Use the following curl request to trigger a Delivery webhook and to update the status of any email to DELIVERED.

curl http://changemewith16characters:changemewith16characters@ \
  -X POST \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -d '{
  "MessageID": "9e072697-fc89-40a9-bfc1-4d967f8ae26f",
  "Recipient": "test@example.com",
  "DeliveredAt": "2014-08-01T13:28:10.2735393-04:00",
  "Details": "Test delivery webhook details",
  "Tag": "welcome-email",
  "ServerID": 23,
  "Metadata": {
    "a_key": "a_value",
    "b_key": "b_value"
  "RecordType": "Delivery",
  "MessageStream": "outbound"

Just replace the first part of the url with your WEBHOOK_SECRET, your message id and recipient. To trigger other kinds with different payloads, visit https://postmarkapp.com/developer/webhooks/webhooks-overview

Design Decisions

  1. Docker is used for usability, portability and consistent deployments.
  2. Flake8 linter is used to have consistent coding formatting. Use docker-compose run --rm app sh -c "flake8" to check errors.
  3. Anymail library is used as it supports multiple ESPs that can easily swap out the existing Postmaker. It was also the recommended library by Postmaker.
  4. Swagger OpenAPI UI is provided built-in and is used for documentation and testing.
  5. Email attachments are stored in a mounted docker volume so that the attachments can live if the container restarts.
  6. Postgres data is stored in a mounted docker volume so that the the data can persist if the container restarts.
  7. Coded using Behavior-driven development as TDD might have required more time.
  8. Webhook are implemented using Django Signals in the emailSender app. All signals live under one submodule emailSender.signals