
• The process of voting is often tiresome and time killing not only for the election faculty but for the voters as well. This is where the Electronic Voting System comes handy to quickly and accurately vote your respective candidate effortlessly from your homes.

• EVS (Electronic Voting System) is an advanced voting software which involves the implementation of Computer Vision using Face Recognition.

• The individual can only advance for voting process when his face is recognized by the system for security purposes. Vote will only be casted once after that the ID will be disabled automatically.

• A database system is also set up for maintaining the user’s account records and face captures.

• The count of votes received by the candidate will also be noted in the database to avoid the hectic counting process.

• An interactive and feasible GUI is crafted to use the software smoothly by layman.

• Object Oriented Programing skills are applied for efficient performance of the software.

• Project is divided in modules for ease and cleansed code.


• Programming Language:-


• Front End Tools:-


• Backend tools:-

OpenCV NumPy Pandas Pillow Smtplib

• For Database:-


• Development tools:-

Pycharm IDLE