Image_Patchyfy is used to generate patches of imgaes
default settings size: 256x256x3 step: 120
you can specify the size and step by calling patchify() function ; see third cell
Extract Dataset in the current directory
The directory Structure Must be like this
here i use MonuSeg Dataset
- Test
- GroundTruth
- TissueImages
- Training
- GroundTruth
- TissueImages
open file generate_patches/run_patchify.ipynb
--------- First Cell ---------
run first cell is to mount the google drive
--------- Second Cell ---------
second cell is not used to create the dataset it is just to visualize the dataset which is going to be generated
second cell is used to generate patches of images and visualize them
initialize the path variable with directory where images are loctaed
run the cell to view the some patches of two images you can change the patches and image using their indices
--------- Third Cell ---------
Third cell is used to generate the dataset
set in_path and out_path variable for each directory
in_path = from where the program is going to read the images
out_path = where program is going to save to save patches of images
you can also specify the file extenion in generate_patches() function
in_path = "drive/My Drive/segmentation_monuseg/unet_MonuSeg/MonuSeg/Training/GroundTruth/"
out_path = "drive/My Drive/new_short_monuseg/Training/GroundTruth/"
It generates 49 patches of shape(256,256,3) for each image