
Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Jupyter Datascience Notebook for python

Run with :

docker run -p 8888:8888 -v /path/to/data/notebooks/dir:/notebooks-dir saagie/jupyter-python-nbk:latest

Mounting volume is optional (-v /path/to/data/notebooks/dir:/notebooks-dir) but if you want to do it:
* create your local directory with: `mkdir -P /path/to/data/notebooks/dir`
* make Jovyan (Jupyter notebook default user) the owner of this directory with: `chown -R 1000:100 /path/to/data/notebooks/dir`

Libraries :

* Data Processing
	* numpy
	* scipy
	* pandas

* Machine Learning
	* sklearn
	* keras
	* pybrain (python 2 only)
	* statsmodel
	* networkx

* Data Visualisation
	* skimage
	* matplotlib
	* bokeh
	* mpld3
	* folium

* Database connection
	* pyodbc
	* hdfs **
	* impyla
	* ibis-framework
	* SQLAlchemy
	* pymongo

* Utils
	* ipywidgets
	* fiona
	* shapely

Install libraries with :

For python 3

!pip install libraryName

For python 2

!pip2 install libraryName