Repository Organization:

Master Branch: Python Gradle and gitlab CI/CD template
template_project_scala Branch: Spark Scala Gradle and gitlab CI/CD template

Saagie project

This project template is compatible with Project & Jobs (V2) of Saagie.
This is a template project with Gradle plugin and Gitlab CI/CD configured.
This fake Python project is made of 2 fake python jobs (Collect and Process), a pipeline associating both of them, and a third pyspark job (spark_job).
Code dependances between jobs can be managed using the 'code/dependencies' folder. All files inside this folder will be added alongside the code in the zip archive of every job. So every modules and python packages it contains can be imported and used inside all jobs (cf examples in code/process/ and code/collect/ If not needed, the dependencies folder can just be deleted.


In order to work, you need to update the saagie/jobs and saagie/pipeline configuration. For that, you'll need to specifiy the URL or your Saagie platform along with the credentials inside environment variables :


For the jobs

Under the saagie/jobs directory :

gradle packageCode -PjobName=<collect|process|spark_job> -Penv=<dev|prod> to zip your Python code

gradle projectsUpdateJob -PjobName=<jobname> -Penv=<dev|prod> to update your job on Saagie (will first package your code)

gradle projectsRunJob -PjobName=<jobname> -Penv=<dev|prod> to run your job on Saagie (will first update your job on Saagie)

For the pipeline

Under the saagie/pipeline directory :

gradle projectsUpdatePipeline -PenvironmentName=<dev|prod> to update your pipeline on Saagie

gradle projectsRunPipeline -PenvironmentName=<dev|prod> to run your pipeline on Saagie (will first update your pipeline on Saagie)


The CI/CD pipeline is configured to work in Gitlab on works that way :

  • every time a commit is pushed to the develop branch, a CI pipeline is triggered, which will run unit tests and then update the jobs and pipelines on your Saagie DEV environment
  • every time a commit is pushed to the master branch, a CI pipeline is triggered, which will run unit tests and then update the jobs and pipelines on your Saagie PROD environment

To update this behavior, simply update the .gitlab-ci.yml file

Release note

The release note is automatically set based on the latest commit message and the commit id. To update this behavior, simply update the build.gradle files

Saagie Python cli

The saagie-python-cli folder contains a python client aiming to automatize tasks following the saagie-cicd-template-project like creating a project or creating a job. See file inside the folder for more detail.