
This program lets you measure any room using the TI-RSLK

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT


This program lets you measure any room using the TI-RSLK

Link to project page: https://www.hackster.io/saaketporay/remote-control-room-measuring-robot-bffdfc Header

1. Follow this guide to make a remote controlled TI-RSLK


2. Connect pin 5 (P4.1) to ch 5 on your receiver

Follow the previous guide to see how the Launchpad is connected to the receiver

3. Connect the ultrasonic sensor as shown


TRIG pin connects to pin 10 (P6.4) ECHO pin connects to pin 9 (P6.5)

4. Your robot should now look like this



Data is sent via USB to a computer. Raspberry Pi could be used for a fully wireless robot. However in this demo- I opted for a wired connection to my laptop.

5. Demo
