

Primary LanguageJavaScript

#ReactJS Overview Session This is a overview session for ReactJS library. It covers some of the important features of ReactJS library. The overview contains the following features:-

  • React setup
  • property
  • state
  • events
  • React inline style
  • lifecycle
  • mixin

Section Description

No Section Description
1 Example1 JSX with ES5 conventional javascript flavour
2 Example2 JSX with ES6/ECMAScript2015 flavour
3 Example3 State of a React component
4 Example4 Event handling
5 Example5 React component lifecycle
6 Example6 React CSS style
7 Example7 React mixin
8 Example8 React Component composition
9 Example9 React NameSpace Component
10 Example10 React with spread operator
11 Example11 React Property validation


  • interactive, stateful & reusable UI component development.
  • work on both client and server side application development.
  • virtual DOM is the core of the ReactJS library.
  • write ReactJS component using 2 approaches:-
    • JSX with ES5 conventional javascript flavour
    • JSX with ES6/ECMAScript2015 flavour.


  • HTML like syntax which gets transformed to lightweight JavaScript objects.
  • Gulp process include this JSX to JS transformation.

##Virtual DOM

  • Works on When-Which paradigm.
  • When represent: data change time.
  • Which identifies the DOM elements that need to be updated.
  • React's rendered HTML markup contains data-reactid attributes,React track DOM node changes using this attribute.

##Configure Development Environment

  • Install Node Package manager.
  • Install Gulp build tool.
  • Create package.json file using npm init command.
  • Install ReactJS Core library local dependency using npm install react --save command in terminal.
  • Install ReactJS DOM library as local dependency using npm install react-dom --save command in terminal.
  • Install following NPM dev packages:--
NPM Dev Package Description Installation Command
Gulp BUILD: tool to automate development task. npm install gulp --save-dev
Browserify BROWSERIFIED: Facilitate require('modules') in the browser by bundling up all of your dependencies. npm install browserify --save-dev
Babelfy BABELIFIED: browserify the the babel code. npm install babelify --save-dev
babel-preset-es2015 Babel preset for all es2015 plugins. npm install babel-preset-es2015 --save-dev
babel-preset-react Babel preset for all React plugins. npm install babel-preset-react --save-dev
vinyl-source-stream Better Stream handling For NodeJS that can work with Browserify. npm install vinyl-source-stream --save-dev

##React Top Level Objects, Methods & Properties Top level object in ReactJS are as follows:-

  • React : Top level object, similar to Jquery $.
  • ReactDOM: DOM specific methods and properties
  • ReactDOMServer: Isomorphic methods


  • React.Component : Base class for React components
  • React.createClass() :Creates a React Class with given specification and returns ReactClass.
  • React.createElement() :Create and return a new ReactElement of the given type.
  • React.cloneElement() :Return a new ReactElement by copying supplied element.
  • React.createFactory() :Return a function that produces ReactElements of a given type
  • React.isValidElement() :checks the object is a ReactElement.
  • React.DOM : wrappers around React.createElement
  • React.PropTypes : defines type of property used in a ReactClass.
  • React.Children: Parent element can read its children by accessing the special this.props.children prop.


  • ReactDOM.render() : Render a ReactElement into the DOM in the target container.
  • ReactDOM.unmountComponentAtNode() : Remove a mounted React component from the DOM and clean up its event handlers and state.
  • ReactDOM.findDOMNode() : returns the targeted browser DOM element.


  • ReactDOMServer.renderToString(): Used for achieveing Isomorphism, this method generates HTML on the server and send the markup down to client.
  • ReactDOMServer.renderToStaticMarkup(): this doesn't create extra DOM attributes such as data-react-id or elese it is same as renderToString() method.

##Usefull Links:-