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  • Rails 5.2.3
  • PostgresSQL

If you need help setting up a Ruby development environment, check out this guide


The application is meant to facilitate tutoring session for cs370.

If you are a student, with the web application you will be able to do the following:

  • Feature 1: Create and edit user profile
  • Feature 2: Monitor tutoring session history
  • Feature 3: Evaluate your tutor and give constructive feedback.
  • Feature 4: Request for a tutor and monitor weekly requests.
  • Feature 5: Log in via password and email
  • Feature 6: Request to be tutored for a specific topic on the student dashboard and edit if needed
  • Feature 7: After the tutor has approved your request, on the new meeting tab, you can choose between a set of available times set up by the tutor

If you are a tutor, you will be able to do the following:

  • Feature 1: Create and edit user profile
  • Feature 2: Select a preferred student you would like to tutor.
  • Feature 3: Email the student to set up a meeting.
  • Feature 4: Monitor hours worked and view ratings generated by students.
  • Feature 5: Log in via email
  • Feature 6: Keep track of scheduled tutoring sessions by logging them
  • Feature 7: Can set up your best times and locations of availability so that you can coordinate with the tutee.
  • Feature 8: On the student selection page, you can see a list of unmatched students and can select them for tutoring
  • Feature 9: Can see the rate (amount of hours per week) that you need to complete your goal
  • Feature 10: Can cancel confirmed meetings unilaterally

If you are an admin, you will be able to do the following:

  • Feature 1: Set semester and list of courses you are offering for tutoring
  • Feature 2: Generate a table with list of tutors and hours worked
  • Feature 3: Generate composite score for tutors
  • Feature 4: Set priority for students by simply entering their student sid
  • Feature 5: Change admin password
  • Feature 6: Login with the admin account to view admin-only information.


  • Rails 5.2.3
  • PostgresSQL
  • Mailcatcher - Dev Only

If you need help setting up a Ruby development environment, check out this guide

Setting Up and Testing

Run the following command in CS370 directory:

$ bundle install --without production

This will download any files along with gems in order to make the app run properly.

$ rails db:reset
$ rails db:migrate
$ rails server

This will launch the server.

See the db/seeds.rb file to view email credentials for seeded accounts. All seeds.rb accounts, admin included, use a series of six ones as their password for testing purposes.

Lastly, in order to view coverage and run tests. Do:

$ cucumber


$ rspec

In development email are caught by local smtp server, mailcatcher. If you want to view email please do the following OUTSIDE of the project. There will be dependicy issues if you try to include mailcatcher in gem file

$ gem install mailcatcher
$ mailcatcher

What's included?

These gems are added to the standard Rails stack

  • Core
  • Configuration
  • Utilities
  • Security
    • friendly_id - Allows evaluations to be edited publicly
    • devise - Log int authentication system in place
  • Testing
  • Beautifying
    • (optional) bootstrap - Used for designing layout of application
    • (optional) bootstrap-glyphicons - Used for design of tutee page
    • (optional) autoprefixer-rails - Tool to parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to CSS rules using values from the Can I Use database
    • (optional) jquery-rails - This gem provides jQuery 1, 2 and 3, the jQuery UJS adapter, assert_select_jquery to test jQuery responses in Ruby tests


The first thing you want to do is check if you have git.

$ git --version

If you do not have git, install it following this guide.

The next step you want to take is create a heroku account if you dont already have it. To deploy the application to heroku start first by creating a Heroku account. When you have an account follow this heroku guide deployment guide. And thats how you deploy to heroku using git.

After the application is up and running in heroku, reset and seed the database. You should only do this once.

$ heroku restart
$ heroku pg:reset DATABASE
$ heroku run rake db:migrate
$ heroku run rake db:seed

An admin has now been created with password 123. You can go into the app and change the password and semester.

To allow emails to be sent using the gmail smtp server, you will need to add a few environment variables on heroku. Add MAIL_HOST with value your heroku app domain. Add GMAIL_USERNAME with a gmail account username that you want to use. Add GMAIL_PASSWORD with that gmail account's password.

There you have it, you can now log in as admin and set the semester, and the app is ready for use.

Note that right now, config.assets.compile = true in production.rb.

Future Possible Features

  • Student Selection Priority and Filtering: As a tutor, so that you can match with students in need of help, you should see a list of students ranked by priority. For instance, those CS scholar and students who have not been selected for a while.

  • Manual Filtering: As a tutor, when you are browsing between students, you can manually filter students based on their courses or topics of interest.

  • Live OCF Link: After the admin successfully registers with the OCF center with a username and password of his choice, he may have a live working link (website_name.berkeley.edu) after transferring the application files through SSH.