
Random word generator to support ESaaS CHIPS assignments

Primary LanguageRuby

Random Word app

This app supports the Sinatra "Hangperson" CHIPS assignment in the Engineering Software as a Service (ESaaS) course. It is a replacement for the old Watchout4snakes service.

The app returns a random 5 to 8 letter English word suitable for use in playing the game "Hangman".

The app is online at http://randomword.saasbook.info. Note: The current deployment works only over plain HTTP, not HTTPS.

This code is licensed under CC-BY-4.0.

Future enhancements could include respecting a Locale argument.


The following routes are recognized:

get '/RandomWord' or post '/RandomWord' with optional URL parameter format is interpreted as follows:

  • format=text, format=txt, or omitted: returns a bare random word with content-type text/plain (equivalent to POST http://watchout4snakes.com/wo4snakes/Random/RandomWord)

  • format=json: returns a JSON object {"success": "true", "word": "word"} with content-type application/json

  • format=html: returns a minimal legal HTML5 page whose body consists of a single p element containing the word

  • Any other value for format results in a 501 error (resource not available).

get '/' or post '/' is the same as get '/RandomWord?format=html