
Minimalistic photography portfolio

Primary LanguageGo

Minimalistic Photograpy Portfolio

Minimalistic portfolio app made with Go. If you don't want to play with databases or complex album hierarchies, this is for you.

This app is build around the file system, eliminating the need for an admin UI. It also simplifies the process of backing up and restoring your data.

NOTE I'm planning a pretty big rewrite, because I need a few more features and the current approach is just too difficult to use. Expect things to be broken!


  • File based - no databases needed!
  • Automagic thumbnail generation
  • Atom feed
  • Respects light/dark mode set in the browser


To get started, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository with
git clone https://github.com/saaste/portfolio.git
  1. Copy the two example files to their respective names:
  1. Adjust the settings in the newly created settings.yaml file according to your preferences. Here is a breakdown of the settings you can customize:
Setting Description
smallSize Maximum size for small thumbnails
mediumSize Maximum size for medium thumbnails
baseUrl Base URL
refreshInterval How often photos are refreshed (e.g 10s, 15m, 1h)
title Title of the portfolio
description Description used in Open Graph meta tags (social media preview)
author Author of the photos
aboutTitle Title of the about page. Also used in the link text.
about Text for the About page. HTML tags are allowed
theme Used theme
  1. Optionally, you can add your own styles to ui/static/custom.css. You can also customize the templates in the ui/templates directory but keep in mind that these files are in the source control and can change in the future.

How to run

Running with Go

The only requirement is Go. You can start the app with:

go run main.go [--port PORT]

By default the app will run on port 8000.

Running with Docker

The only requirement is Docker. You can start the app with:

docker-compose up

By default, the app listens on port 8000. You can modify the port in the docker-compose.yaml file.

Refreshing thumbnails

The app automatically generates small and medium thumbnails for each new image. If you want to refresh thumbnails for all existing images, you can use the following command:

go run main.go --generate-thumbnails

Adding images

To add new images, simple place them in the files directory. The app will periodically check for new images based on the refreshInterval setting. If you wish to see the new images immediately, restart the app.

Please note that only JPG and PNG formats are supported.

Despite the minimalist design, it is recommended to provide an alt text for the visually impaired. You can do this by saving the text in a .txt file that has the same name as the photo.

For example:

  • Photo: DSCF3408.jpg
  • Alt: DSCF3408.txt


Calendar preview