
A script to collect todo from code and store them as linear tickets.

User Instruction

  • To add your todos as linear tickets, write any todo in the following format in your code -

    \\ todo: If you're happy and you know it, clap your hands
    \\    toDo : If you're happy and you know it, stomp your feet
    \\TOdo:If you're happy and you know it, shout hurray
  • Stage your changes. Our code will only detect the new or modified todos between your very last commit and staged changes.

  • Run the script using the methods from the Run section.

  • The line after the colon will be added as a linear ticket.

  • The link to the ticket will be added as the next line of the todo comment in your code. (If there's no linear ticket URL present already)


To install the package, use the following commands -

To install using npm,

npm i sync-linear


To install using yarn,

yarn add sync-linear

Setting up Environment Variables

For the package to work, you'll need to add your Linear API key and team identifier as your environment variable.

For that, follow the given steps -

  • Open a file named .env in your root project folder.
  • Go to Linear and get your team name and corresponding API key.
  • Add the following two environment variables in the .env file.
LINEAR_TEAM_IDENTIFIER = [Your team identifier]

Setting up Husky

To use sync-linear's functionalities as a precommit script, follow these steps -

  • Install Husky (Installation guidelines).

    We're including the yarn installation here

    Install husky

      yarn add husky --dev
  • Enable Git hooks

      yarn husky install
  • Create a Git hook

      npx husky add .husky/pre-commit "npx sync-linear"


As a precommit script

If you have followed the Setting up Husky section, every time you commit, sync-linear will run as your precommit script.

As an individual command

Use the following command-

  npx sync-linear [optional:Your team identifier]

Use the optional argument if you want to store the linear tickets in a different team from the one set up in the .env file.