Write a ToDo web application without a server.
The Application should provide the following functionality:
- Add a task with title
- Task list is sorted in reverse order by the task title
- Edit a task
- Mark a task as completed
- Remove a task
- Persist tasks between working sessions (it could be LocalStorage) Note: it is ok for a "customer" if you do something quickly and provide additional features, but there will be no penalties if you don't.
Business context:
- Goal is the time to market
- Be ready to change something minor fast in the future
Non-Functional Requirements:
- Test task should be presented as a git repository with a history of changes. it could be located on GitHub (preferred) or folder with .git metadata.
- Application should be written on JavaScript, frameworks are up to developer.
- This task should take no more than 6-8 working hours(it is better to be less).
For Edit task just click on a title
Example: https://jsfiddle.net/sabaking/o2r4p3x1/
Possible problems:
- localStorage have size limit (10 MB per origin in Google) see in code fn syncTasksToLocalStorage()
- more then 500 tasks - rendering perfomance problem (mb slow) see in code fn renderTasks()