Este proyecto es realizado con la intencion de integrar los elementos de
adafruit-pi-cam con los elementos del proyecto Mapillary
This project is made with the intention of integrating elements
adafruit -pi -cam with the project elements Mapillary
En este momento funciona con un GPS GY-NEO6MV2
Guia de como construrilo proximamente
Working with GPS GY-NEO6MV2
Read how to build this project over at comingsoon
No trabaja funcion de camara continua
Los scripts mapillary estan en prueba
Not working continuous camera
Mapillary scripts beta
Camera project for Raspberry Pi + camera + Adafruit PiTFT + GPS + Mapillary
By Sabas of The Inventor's House Hackerspace modifications of GPS and Mapillary
By PaintYourDragon (Phil B) for Adafruit Industries
Contribuyendo a este programa se da la bienvenida con gusto.
Contributing to this software is warmly welcomed. You can do this basically by
forking, committing modifications and then pulling requests (follow the links above
for operating guide). Adding change log and your contact into file header is encouraged.
Thanks for your contribution.